
Welcome to the official website of the United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee. Our website was designed to provide attorneys and public users convenient access to current information about our Court and the cases being adjudicated in this District. Our Court's mission is to facilitate the prompt and equitable administration of justice while maintaining the highest standards of integrity and accountability. We believe that this website plays a vital role in achieving that goal, so we welcome your suggestions as to how we might improve this website to better serve your needs.

Court Notices & Important Announcements

4th Annual Law School for Journalists
The 4th annual Law School for Journalists will take place on Saturday, Sept. 12, at the University of Memphis School of Law. More information

Job Opportunity - Court Reporter
The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee is accepting applications for the position of Court Reporter. Job Description, Application.

Amendment to Local Rule 77.1 (Places of Holding Court)
Local Rule 77.1(b) has been amended pursuant to the Judicial Administration and Technical Amendments Act of 2008 which moved Dyer County, located in the Western District of Tennessee, from the Western Division (Memphis) to the Eastern Division (Jackson). This change became effective November 20, 2008.

Notice of new scanning guidelines for CM/ECF
The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and the National Archives have issued new guidelines regarding scanned documents filed via CM/ECF. The new guidelines recommend that documents be scanned at 300x300 dpi (dots per inch), in black and white. The old guidelines recommended that documents be scanned at 200x200 dpi.

Charmiane Claxton to be sworn in as United States Magistrate Judge
The United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee announced today that Ms. Charmiane Claxton will be sworn in as a United States Magistrate Judge on Friday, May 29, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. in Memphis, Tennessee. News Release

Electronic Transcript Release Policy
By Administrative Order 2008-35 the United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee implemented a policy regarding remote access to electronic transcripts. Pursuant to that policy, as well as Civil Rule 5.2 and Criminal Rule 49.1, each party's attorney is required to review a transcript for information that should be redacted pursuant to the Judicial Conference's privacy policy which requires: Social Security numbers be redacted to show only the last four digits; birth dates should contain only the year of birth; individuals known to be minors should be referred to with initials; and financial account numbers should be redacted to the last four digits. Additionally, in criminal case files, home addresses should reveal only the city and state of residence. Please be reminded that the responsibility to redact transcript lies with the attorney/party requesting the transcript from the Court Reporter.