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What is Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion?
Needed Research
Design and Location

Benefits of OTEC

We can measure the value of an ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) plant and continued OTEC development by both its economic and noneconomic benefits. OTEC's economic benefits include these:

  • Helps produce fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol
  • Produces baseload electrical energy
  • Produces desalinated water for industrial, agricultural, and residential uses
  • Is a resource for on-shore and near-shore mariculture operations
  • Provides air-conditioning for buildings
  • Provides moderate-temperature refrigeration
  • Has significant potential to provide clean, cost-effective electricity for the future.

OTEC's noneconomic benefits, which help us achieve global environmental goals, include these:

  • Promotes competitiveness and international trade
  • Enhances energy independence and energy security
  • Promotes international sociopolitical stability
  • Has potential to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions resulting from burning fossil fuels.

In small island nations, the benefits of OTEC include self-sufficiency, minimal environmental impacts, and improved sanitation and nutrition, which result from the greater availability of desalinated water and mariculture products.

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