On GOP.gov/SOTU, Bob in Wisconsin writes, "Will Congress end baseline budgeting?"
Rep. Ryan (WI)
On Twitter, @K1er said, "Its bad tx & econ policy2 raise tx rate on invstmnt captl tht cre8s jobs. Does some1 makg $1mil use more govt thn some1 makg $50k? #sotugop"
Rep. McCarthy (CA)
@JasonBWhitman tweets, "I'm confused Mr. President, why does Obamacare levy a 10% tax on medical device manufacturers? #SOTUGOP"
Rep. McMorris Rodgers (WA)
On Twitter, @djheakin writes, "An economy built to last or an economy built for the past (high taxes, big gov't projects to create jobs, catering to unions)? #SOTUGOP"
Rep. Roskam (IL)
Joel in Texas asks, "When will either the president or the Senate pass the jobs bills that the House has sent them? Also, when will a budget be passed? It has been over 1,000 days."
Rep. Hensarling (TX)
Ellen in Pennsylvania asks, "How can we bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA if government regulations stymie development and raise the cost of the construction of manufacturing facilities?"
Rep. DesJarlais (TN)
Peter in Colorado writes: "Will you start upholding the Constitution of the United States and pass no bill that does not meet the Constitutional values."
Rep. Roskam (IL)
Deborah in Oregon asks: "Are there plans within the party to lessen government instead of the constant growth of rulers & regulations?"
Rep. Roskam (IL)
On GOP.gov/SOTU, Peggy in Oregon writes, "Does the House plan to continue pressuring Obama on the Keystone Pipeline Project or is the US out of luck now?"
Rep. McMorris Rodgers (WA)
@ConservativeNDc tweeted, "As usual, it all sounds good, but how will Obama deliver on all of these nice thoughts and ideas? #GOPSOTU #stateofjobs," and Congressman Peter Roskam responded.
Rep. Roskam (IL)
On Twitter, @Aminoff writes, "Obama Keystone decision is a disaster for the country - eliminates jobs and sends Canadian oil to China. #sotu #sotugop"
Rep. McCarthy (CA)
On Twitter, @KarlQuick writes, "#SOTU #SOTUGOP ...it does no good to sell leases if environmental regs prevent drilling!"
Rep. Roskam (IL)
Jill in Illinois asked the following question on GOP.gov/SOTU - "As Small Businesses are the backbone of our economy and banks have dried up funding. What is being done or proposed by House and Senate Republicans to open up lending avenues to them?"
Rep. McCarthy (CA)
On GOP.gov/SOTU, Terry in Michigan writes, "What will you do regarding current gas prices and energy development?"
Rep. Reed (NY)
@JWhitelv11 tweets, "@BarackObama, blaming "The Last Administration" only goes so far. Live up to your record. #SOTU #stateofjobs"
Rep. McMorris Rodgers (WA)
On Twitter, @TylerDuvelius writes, "It has now officially been #1000days since Senate Democrats have passed a budget #stateofjobs"
Rep. McCarthy (CA)
Chelsea in California asks: "They say California is a prime example of what could happen to this Nation if we continue along the path of high taxes, over regulation and hostility towards businesses. Do you agree?"
Rep. Issa (CA)
On GOP.gov/sotu, George in Florida writes, "Why dont you publish all the bills you passed last year that Harry Reid refused to bring up. Put pressure, NOW, on the Senate."
Rep. Reed (NY)
On Twitter, @RabbiRickey writes, "The Eiffel Tower was built in 796 days. Senate Democrats haven't passed a budget in #1000Days."
Rep. Ryan (WI)
On Twitter, @rmasters78 said, "Just turned on Obama's State of the Union address. All I hear is deficit spending"
Rep. DesJarlais (TN)
John in California asks "What will the GOP do to get more small business jobs going in the USA insted of going off shore (Out of the USA) ???"
Rep. Issa (CA)
On Twitter, @HeeeeresSteven writes, "Obama cant be talking about all this after saying no to #Keystone"
Rep. Reed (NY)
On Twitter, @Nansen wrote, "Can you say Dodd Frank? Obama Care? Those are what stops small biz from growing and $$"
Rep. Issa (CA)
On Twitter, @RalphSchiano writes, "Here we go. The class warfare begins. #SOTU"
Rep. Reed (NY)
On Twitter, @mlbrumage asks, "What? Is Obama pushing a SOPA-like law?"
Rep. Issa (CA)
@Sam_Hempel wrote, "uhhh mr. president you already tried clean energy tax credits. its called #SOLYNDRA and it didnt pan out... #SOTU #SOTUGOP"
Rep. Issa (CA)
George in Alabama writes, "When will this Keystone Progect be approved for laying piping from Canada to US Gulf Coast? America needs Jobs and Energy?"
Rep. Hensarling (TX)
On Twitter, @volsandcubs wrote, "3 minutes in, and here come the attacks on the financially successful in America #SOTU"
Rep. Hensarling (TX)
On Twitter, @2VivStCherry writes, #SOTUGOP Where are the jobs that you promised in 2010?
Rep. Hensarling (TX)
Keystone Pipeline Jobs
Rep. Hensarling (TX)
Speaker Boehner Highlights GOP Jobs Bills
Rep. Boehner (OH)