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Michigan Zone Forecast RSS Feed Listing

Below are listed the National Weather Service forecast counties/zones (by names & by codes) for Michigan. Select a forecast county/zone to see the URL for the RSS feed.

Forecast zone map for the state of Michigan
(Link opens new browser window)

List sorted by Zone codes | List of States

Forecast Zones by Names
ATOM Zone Code Zone Name   (Michigan)
atom MIZ030 Alcona
atom MIZ006 Alger
atom MIZ064 Allegan
atom MIZ024 Alpena
atom MIZ021 Antrim
atom MIZ042 Arenac
atom MIZ004 Baraga
atom MIZ065 Barry
atom MIZ048 Bay
atom MIZ025 Benzie
atom MIZ077 Berrien
atom MIZ080 Branch
atom MIZ073 Calhoun
atom MIZ078 Cass
atom MIZ019 Charlevoix
atom MIZ017 Cheboygan
atom MIZ008 Chippewa
atom MIZ040 Clare
atom MIZ059 Clinton
atom MIZ028 Crawford
atom MIZ013 Delta
atom MIZ011 Dickinson
atom MIZ066 Eaton
atom MIZ016 Emmet
atom MIZ061 Genesee
atom MIZ041 Gladwin
atom MIZ009 Gogebic
atom MIZ026 Grand Traverse
atom MIZ052 Gratiot
atom MIZ081 Hillsdale
atom MIZ003 Houghton
atom MIZ049 Huron
atom MIZ067 Ingham
atom MIZ058 Ionia
atom MIZ036 Iosco
atom MIZ010 Iron
atom MIZ046 Isabella
atom MIZ074 Jackson
atom MIZ072 Kalamazoo
atom MIZ027 Kalkaska
atom MIZ057 Kent
atom MIZ001 Keweenaw
atom MIZ038 Lake
atom MIZ062 Lapeer
atom MIZ020 Leelanau
atom MIZ082 Lenawee
atom MIZ068 Livingston
atom MIZ007 Luce
atom MIZ015 Mackinac
atom MIZ070 Macomb
atom MIZ031 Manistee
atom MIZ005 Marquette
atom MIZ037 Mason
atom MIZ045 Mecosta
atom MIZ012 Menominee
atom MIZ047 Midland
atom MIZ033 Missaukee
atom MIZ083 Monroe
atom MIZ051 Montcalm
atom MIZ023 Montmorency
atom MIZ050 Muskegon
atom MIZ044 Newaygo
atom MIZ085 Northern Schoolcraft
atom MIZ069 Oakland
atom MIZ043 Oceana
atom MIZ035 Ogemaw
atom MIZ002 Ontonagon
atom MIZ039 Osceola
atom MIZ029 Oscoda
atom MIZ022 Otsego
atom MIZ056 Ottawa
atom MIZ018 Presque Isle
atom MIZ034 Roscommon
atom MIZ053 Saginaw
atom MIZ055 Sanilac
atom MIZ060 Shiawassee
atom MIZ084 Southern Houghton
atom MIZ014 Southern Schoolcraft
atom MIZ063 St. Clair
atom MIZ079 St. Joseph
atom MIZ054 Tuscola
atom MIZ071 Van Buren
atom MIZ075 Washtenaw
atom MIZ076 Wayne
atom MIZ032 Wexford

Forecast zone map for the state of Michigan
(Link opens new browser window)

List sorted by Zone names | List of States

Forecast Zones by Codes
ATOM Zone Code Zone Name   (Michigan)
atom MIZ001 Keweenaw
atom MIZ002 Ontonagon
atom MIZ003 Houghton
atom MIZ004 Baraga
atom MIZ005 Marquette
atom MIZ006 Alger
atom MIZ007 Luce
atom MIZ008 Chippewa
atom MIZ009 Gogebic
atom MIZ010 Iron
atom MIZ011 Dickinson
atom MIZ012 Menominee
atom MIZ013 Delta
atom MIZ014 Southern Schoolcraft
atom MIZ015 Mackinac
atom MIZ016 Emmet
atom MIZ017 Cheboygan
atom MIZ018 Presque Isle
atom MIZ019 Charlevoix
atom MIZ020 Leelanau
atom MIZ021 Antrim
atom MIZ022 Otsego
atom MIZ023 Montmorency
atom MIZ024 Alpena
atom MIZ025 Benzie
atom MIZ026 Grand Traverse
atom MIZ027 Kalkaska
atom MIZ028 Crawford
atom MIZ029 Oscoda
atom MIZ030 Alcona
atom MIZ031 Manistee
atom MIZ032 Wexford
atom MIZ033 Missaukee
atom MIZ034 Roscommon
atom MIZ035 Ogemaw
atom MIZ036 Iosco
atom MIZ037 Mason
atom MIZ038 Lake
atom MIZ039 Osceola
atom MIZ040 Clare
atom MIZ041 Gladwin
atom MIZ042 Arenac
atom MIZ043 Oceana
atom MIZ044 Newaygo
atom MIZ045 Mecosta
atom MIZ046 Isabella
atom MIZ047 Midland
atom MIZ048 Bay
atom MIZ049 Huron
atom MIZ050 Muskegon
atom MIZ051 Montcalm
atom MIZ052 Gratiot
atom MIZ053 Saginaw
atom MIZ054 Tuscola
atom MIZ055 Sanilac
atom MIZ056 Ottawa
atom MIZ057 Kent
atom MIZ058 Ionia
atom MIZ059 Clinton
atom MIZ060 Shiawassee
atom MIZ061 Genesee
atom MIZ062 Lapeer
atom MIZ063 St. Clair
atom MIZ064 Allegan
atom MIZ065 Barry
atom MIZ066 Eaton
atom MIZ067 Ingham
atom MIZ068 Livingston
atom MIZ069 Oakland
atom MIZ070 Macomb
atom MIZ071 Van Buren
atom MIZ072 Kalamazoo
atom MIZ073 Calhoun
atom MIZ074 Jackson
atom MIZ075 Washtenaw
atom MIZ076 Wayne
atom MIZ077 Berrien
atom MIZ078 Cass
atom MIZ079 St. Joseph
atom MIZ080 Branch
atom MIZ081 Hillsdale
atom MIZ082 Lenawee
atom MIZ083 Monroe
atom MIZ084 Southern Houghton
atom MIZ085 Northern Schoolcraft


    Page last Modified: Thu, 8 October, 2009 2:46 PM