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Green Teams

GSA recognizes the need for building occupants to influence the changes necessary to reduce the government's environmental impact as required by Executive Order 13514.  Green Teams consists of highly engaged and influential representatives from agencies throughout a building who commit to work together to:

  • Reduce the government’s environmental footprint
  • Coordinate and align sustainability efforts among Federal agencies
  • Enlist co-workers as partners in reducing waste and energy use
  • Share ideas and promote cultural change necessary to infuse sustainability into daily practices
  • Coordinate activities at least twice each year that implement green practices, educate, and provide a sense of community

Typically one representative from each agency will participate, with the a desired team size of seven to ten individuals.  

The tools provided here enable a group or building to embark on the important work of influencing behavior and culture within the workplace.  The Guide provides seven easy to understand, practical steps to setting up a Green Team within a building or facility.  The Sustainability 101 presentation helps set the baseline in terms of what is meant by "sustainable" and why it is important today.  The Charter Template, Agenda, Meeting Minutes, and Roles and Responsibilities Matrix are useful tools in managing a Green Team.  These tools allow agency logos to be inserted on the first page footer for tailoring to a building's makeup.  This is important as tenants identify with their agency first and foremost.


Doreen Sheih
(253) 931-7304

Green teams, sustainability, purchasing