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Leading the Transition to the Army of 2020

What is it?

The Army is the nation's force for decisive action, both at home and abroad, providing the Joint Force the ability to prevent conflict, shape the environment, and if prevention fails, win decisively and dominantly.

To meet the needs of the nation in a complex operating environment, our Army must provide forces that are flexible, operate across the range of military operations, and are agile in our responsiveness.

To do so, the Army is reorganizing formations to provide our national security decision makers greater flexibility in how we defend our nation and U.S. national interests.

The foundation for success into the future is leader development that prepares leaders to operate with competence and confidence in ambiguous and frequently changing circumstances in the complex future security environment.

Doctrine 2015

Doctrine 2015 publications are NOW available online!

Doctrine 2015 is an initiative to provide clear, concise, current and accessible doctrine to the field. Doctrine is important to the U.S. Army; it provides a body of knowledge that serves as the foundation for the Profession and for the successful execution of Unified Land Operations.

Doctrine 2015 accelerates the implementation of new doctrine across the force by providing the U.S. Army with a completely revised structure of manuals. The top level of manuals will be Army Doctrine Publications that are only 10-15 pages in length. Supporting references, Army Doctrine Reference Publications and Field Manuals, increase in length and depth of information. Doctrine 2015 will make these references available at the point of need through interactive media such as mobile applications. Additionally, Army Techniques Pubs will offer a "wiki" means of contributing to doctrine development.

Doctrine 2015 captures the essential lessons learned from 10 years of persistent conflict. It leverages a broader range of available collaborative technologies including wiki, interactive media instruction, video books, blogs and social media. Most importantly, it makes doctrine more accessible to Soldiers.

To learn more on the latest efforts with U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command’s “doctrine surge,” click here

The Army Profession Campaign

What is it?

The Army Profession is a vocation comprised of experts certified in the ethical design, generation, support and application of land combat power, serving under civilian authority, entrusted to defend the Constitution and the rights and interests of the American people.

The Army Profession Campaign is an Army initiative to inspire and engage our Soldiers and civilians in an introspective analysis and professional dialog to make our Profession stronger. The campaign renews our collective commitment to the Army, its ideals, traditions and ethos, as well as to the nation and the American people.

The U.S. Army that weathered the unprecedented demands of the last decade was built by careful, dedicated professionals who never lost focus on the necessity to always care for and improve our Profession. We must ensure our Army remains strong and that it continues as the nation's force for decisive action. As we transition the force to the Army of 2020, every Army Professional has an obligation to maintain the Army's standing as a trusted profession capable of meeting our nation's call in an uncertain future.

To learn more about the Army Profession and to read the report, click here.

Army Leader Development Strategy for a 21st Century Army

What is it?

Leader development is a mutually shared responsibility between three domains: the institutional Army ("schoolhouse"), the operational force ("tactical units") and the individual ("self development"). The three components of leader development -- training, education and experience -- must reside in each of the three domains. No domain has exclusive rights to any one or more of the three leader development components. Each of the domains also has an important responsibility to ensure balance among all three leader development components.

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command alone does not and cannot develop adaptive, agile leaders, nor can 1st Cavalry Division or 10th Mountain Division, but collectively, we all contribute to the development of our leaders. Regardless of a leader's physical location at any point in time, we owe it to our leaders to maximize to the extent possible their training, education and experiences.

To learn more visit the Center for Army Leadership’s website

The Squad: Foundation of the Decisive Force

What is it?

The U.S. Army is working to ensure the Squad possesses "overmatch" over its adversaries. U.S. Army Squads will focus on situational awareness, networked communications, mobility and lethality to overmatch their opponents.

The Squad is the base unit in the U.S. Army -- the Foundation of the Decisive Force. "The Squad" initiative will identify and close gaps in training, leader development, network and equipment capability within the Squad.

To learn more on the latest efforts with empowering the Squad to overmatch its enemies, click here.

21st Century Training

What is it?

Army training must prepare Soldiers, leaders and units to operate and succeed in an uncertain operational environment where the nation's enemies will continue to adapt quickly using a full range of threats.

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command is fostering groundbreaking initiatives in training by developing Combat Training Center-like training environments at units' home stations,and through the networked blending of live, virtual and constructive training events. These innovations, coupled with regional alignment of units, will provide Soldiers and leaders with relevant, challenging and effective home-station training. By focusing on learning at the point of need and the implementation of digital training applications, TRADOC is leading the way to a significantly improved training experience for the Army of 2020.

Agile Force Modernization

Agile Force Investment

What is it?

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command is fundamentally changing the acquisition system to make it faster and better aligned to the warfighter’s needs. The Agile Process is designed to procure and integrate systems that meet an operational need or gap that demonstrate success in Soldier-led evaluations during the Network Integration Evaluation. TRADOC’s Brigade Modernization Command, in concert with Army Test and Evaluation Command, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology’s System of Systems Integration Directorate, and the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, integrates and assesses emerging capabilities -- both networked and non-networked.

Agile Process: New way of doing business

Network Integration Evaluation, Agile Process bring about fundamental change

  • TRADOC This Week - Oct. 4, 2012

    TRADOC This Week - Oct. 4, 2012

    TRADOC This Week is the official newsletter of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, highlighting the latest in news, photos, videos and social media throughout the command. » read more

  • Army tightens fitness standards for students entering professional military education

    Army tightens fitness standards for students entering professional military education

    Pre-war height, weight and physical fitness standards are coming back for Soldiers entering professional military education courses on or after Nov. 1. » read more

  • Senior Leaders in the Community 2012

    Senior Leaders in the Community 2012

    NORFOLK, Va. -- Lt. Gen. David Halverson (left), U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command deputy commanding general, and Maj. Gen. Mark MacCarley (right), TRADOC deputy chief of staff, took some time to visit with ROTC cadets from Old Dominion University and show their support during the ODU football game against New Hampshire Sept. 22, 2012. (U.S. Army photo by Lt. Col. Brian Kerns) » read more

  • TRADOC This Week - Sept. 27, 2012

    TRADOC This Week - Sept. 27, 2012

    TRADOC This Week is the official newsletter of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, highlighting the latest in news, photos, videos and social media throughout the command. » read more

  • Cone discusses command progress, suicide prevention during town hall

    Cone discusses command progress, suicide prevention during town hall

    Gen. Robert W. Cone, commanding general of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command led a Sept. 13 town hall meeting at Fort Eustis' Jacobs Theater where he shared the command's progress over the last year, and held a question and answer session with the Soldiers and civilians assigned to TRADOC. » read more

  • TRADOC commander describes key initiatives, stresses importance of lessons learned in battle

    TRADOC commander describes key initiatives, stresses importance of lessons learned in battle

    Supporting the current fight, was among the three areas of focus Gen. Robert W. Cone, commanding general of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, conveyed to Soldiers and defense industry leaders during this year's Maneuver Conference in Columbus, Ga., Sept. 18. » read more

  • Military credentialing initiatives a top priority for TRADOC

    Military credentialing initiatives a top priority for TRADOC

    In June, President Barack Obama announced a 'We Can't Wait' initiative to help service members obtain civilian credentials and licenses for manufacturing and other high-demand skills they received from attending military schools. » read more

  • Army's best AIT platoon sergeants to compete for top honors

    Army's best AIT platoon sergeants to compete for top honors

    The Army's top nine advanced individual training (AIT) platoon sergeants will contend for the title of 2012 AIT Platoon Sergeant of the Year during a competition at Fort Eustis, Va. Sept. 24 to 28. » read more

  • Stand To!  Integrated Training Environment

    Integrated Training Environment: What is it?

    The Integrated Training Environment is the result of Army efforts to harness new technology to prepare units and develop leaders at home station. » read more

  • Sound off about the Army Service Uniform

    Sound off about the Army Service Uniform

    The U.S. Army wants YOU to Sound Off about your Army Service Uniform. In an effort lead by U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, a survey site has been developed to get feedback from the field about the Army Service Uniform. This survey is for all Soldiers. » read more

  • Stand To!  Army Physical Fitness Test

    Army Physical Fitness Test: What is it?

    The Army assesses physical aptitude with the three-event Army Physical Fitness Test, or APFT. Soldiers are required to complete three events: two minutes of pushups, two minutes of situps and a two-mile run. » read more

  • TRADOC This Week - Sept. 13, 2012

    TRADOC This Week - Sept. 13, 2012

    TRADOC This Week is the official newsletter of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, highlighting the latest in news, photos, videos and social media throughout the command. » read more

  • Cone presents award, participates in Intelligence Senior Leadership Conference

    Cone presents award, participates in ISLC

    Gen. Robert W. Cone, commanding general of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, visited Fort Huachuca earlier this week to speak at the Intelligence Senior Leadership Conference and present a safety award. » read more

  • Doctrine 2015 publications are NOW available online!

    Doctrine 2015 publications are NOW available online!

    Doctrine 2015 is transforming the Army's doctrinal base to deliver doctrine - clear, concise, current and accessible - to the point of need. This process accelerates the implementation of new doctrine across the force by providing the Army with a completely revised structure of manuals. » read more

  • Doctrine 2015 publications are NOW available online.

    TRADOC This Week

    Check out "TRADOC This Week" to get the link to the new Doctrine 2015 website! "TRADOC This Week" is the official newsletter of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, highlighting the latest in news, photos, videos and social media throughout the command. » read more

  • Prevent Soldier suicides

    Prevent Soldier suicides

    The number of suicides has dramatically increased since the start of the United States' involvement in Afghanistan in 2001. In fiscal year 2009, the Army reported 239 suicides across the reserve and active components of the Army. » read more

  • Army structures, mandates self-development

    Army structures, mandates self-development

    Self-development is not a new concept to Soldiers. As troops progress through the ranks, they must not only complete Army-mandated tasks, but also expand their knowledge and experience base beyond the skills and lessons provided by service. » read more

  • TRADOC This Week

    TRADOC This Week

    TRADOC This Week is the official newsletter of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, highlighting the latest in news, photos, videos and social media throughout the command. This edition highlights the three-event Army Physical Fitness Test. » read more

  • New manuals form base of training doctrine

    New manuals form base of training doctrine

    The Army will soon publish a new series of manuals that will reflect a different approach to writing doctrine and lessons learned in Iraq and Afghanistan. The new manuals are part of the Doctrine 2015 that restructures how the Army develops and publishes doctrinal manuals. » read more

  • Army seeks 'operational energy' solutions for NIE 13.2

    Army seeks 'operational energy' solutions for NIE 13.2

    The Army, through the System of Systems Integration Directorate, announced Aug. 24 that it is seeking interested industry and government sources with mature solutions to support the Army's 'operational energy' capability gap and to participate in the next Network Integration Evaluation. » read more

  • Hurricane season arrives, requires preparation

    Hurricane season arrives, requires preparation

    With Tropical Storm Isaac bearing down on the Gulf Coast, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently increasing its estimate of named storms and hurricanes for 2012, military families near the Gulf Coast or the Eastern Seaboard should assess how vulnerable they are, and review their emergency plans to ensure they weather the season safely. » read more

  • Three-event APFT retained pending baseline Soldier physical readiness study

    Three-event APFT retained pending baseline Soldier physical readiness study

    The Army will retain the current three-event Army Physical Fitness Test, pending a study to determine the best method to measure baseline Soldier physical readiness. U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command found that implementing changes to how the Army assesses physical fitness would be premature. » read more

  • Paratrooper sculpture 'hallmark' of Airborne School

    Paratrooper sculpture 'hallmark' of Airborne School

    Passersby on Edwards Street may notice something new on the Fort Benning landscape. An abstract metal sculpture of a paratrooper with an open parachute was installed this summer on Eubanks Field. » read more

  • Transportation Corps hosts 50th Vietnam War commemoration

    Transportation Corps hosts 50th Vietnam War commemoration

    The Transportation Corps, in partnership with the U.S. Army Quartermaster and Women's museums, hosted a 50th commemoration of the Vietnam War Aug. 17. Hundreds of Vietnam veterans joined with the Soldiers here to pay tribute to those who served during the war. » read more

  • TRADOC This Week

    TRADOC This Week

    TRADOC This Week is the official newsletter of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, highlighting the latest in news, photos, videos and social media throughout the command. This edition highlights the TRADOC commanding general's visit to Israel for the Future Battlefield Conference XXI. » read more

  • Stand To!  Structured Self-Development

    Structured Self-Development: What is it?

    Structured Self-Development is generally Web-based training that enhances previously acquired skills, knowledge, behaviors and experience. SSD is an important supplement to the Noncommissioned Officer Education System. » read more

  • Transitioning Lee Soldiers get commercial driver's license training

    Transitioning Lee Soldiers get commercial driver's license training

    The Transportation School conducted a pilot program here in early August to give Soldiers additional training that will assist them with their transition out of the service. » read more

  • Perkins: Expectations high for incoming ILE class

    Perkins: Expectations high for incoming ILE class

    Students in Intermediate Level Education class 13-01 at the Command and General Staff College aren't just in a position to change their careers, but the Army itself, said Lt. Gen. David G. Perkins, commandant of the Command and General Staff College and commander of the Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth. » read more

  • TRADOC commanding general leads delegation to Israel for Future Battlefield Conference XXI

    TRADOC commanding general leads delegation to Israel for Future Battlefield Conference XXI

    Gen. Robert W. Cone, commanding general of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, led a delegation to Israel to participate in the 21st Future Battlefield Conference, July 15-19, 2012. » read more

  • TRADOC This Week

    TRADOC This Week

    TRADOC This Week is the official newsletter of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, highlighting the latest in news, photos, videos and social media throughout the command. This edition introduces TRADOC's new website and also features the Army chief of staff's visit to the U.S. Army War College. » read more

  • Crutchfield reflects on time as USAACE CG

    Crutchfield reflects on time as USAACE commanding general, looks to new challenges

    Maj. Gen. Anthony G. Crutchfield handed over the reins as commanding general of the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Rucker, Ala., to Maj. Gen. Kevin W. Mangum during a change of command ceremony Aug. 10 at 9 a.m. at Howze Field. » read more

  • Odierno to War College students: Education, adaptability key to future of Army

    Odierno to War College students: Education, adaptability key to future of Army

    The Army Chief of Staff spoke to the Army War College student body Aug. 13, about strategic leadership and the strategic environment, through the lens of Army Initiatives. » read more

  • Odierno discusses Master Fitness training, new doctrine during TRADOC visit

    Odierno discusses Master Fitness training, new doctrine during TRADOC visit

    Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno traveled to U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command headquarters at Fort Eustis, Va., July 31 to receive briefings on TRADOC initiatives such as the Warrior Leader Course, Army physical fitness training, Doctrine 2015, and the latest on the Army Asymmetric Warfare Group. » read more

  • TRADOC names NCO and Soldier of the Year

    TRADOC names NCO and Soldier of the Year

    The winners of the 2012 U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Noncommissioned Officer and Soldier of the Year competition were announced Aug. 3 during a ceremony at the Fort Eustis Club. Staff Sgt. Brenden Shannon was named the TRADOC NCO of the Year, and Spc. Jesse Jacklyn was named the TRADOC Soldier of the Year. » read more

  • Army Training Network reaches 5 million clicks

    Army Training Network reaches 5 million clicks

    In July 2012, the Army Training Network achieved a significant milestone -- surpassing the 5-million-clicks mark since going live in April 2009. The Army Training Network, or ATN, is the Army's first-stop online portal to help units and leaders plan and conduct their unit training. » read more

  • MCoE still targets 'squad' strategy

    MCoE still targets 'squad' strategy

    Fort Benning installed a new command team this summer, but strengthening the dismounted tactical small unit remains a top objective at the Maneuver Center of Excellence, the Infantry School's assistant commandant said. » read more

  • Civilian Credentialing of Army Training & Skills

    Civilian Credentialing of Army Training & Skills

    The Army is working to gain formal recognition for skills Soldiers learn and for their experience in the Army. This credentialing will increase Soldiers ability to find rewarding jobs when they leave active duty, and will enhance skills while serving. » read more

  • Sergeant Major of the Army observes training at Fort Leonard Wood

    Sergeant Major of the Army observes training at Fort Leonard Wood

    The 14th Sgt. Maj. of the Army, Raymond F. Chandler III, and his wife Jeanne, visited Fort Leonard Wood Aug. 1-3. Chandler said he was impressed by Fort Leonard Wood's partnership with the Army National Guard, Army Reservists, the Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps because it represents a great example of the joint effort that the Army makes for the nation. » read more

  • Hancock first Olympic champion to repeat in men's skeet

    Hancock first Olympic champion to repeat in men's skeet

    In double record-setting fashion, Sgt. Vincent Hancock became the first shotgun shooter to win consecutive Olympic gold medals in men's skeet, today, at the Royal Artillery Barracks in London. Hancock, 23, a Soldier in the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit from Eatonton, Ga., eclipsed his own records set at the 2008 Beijing Games for a new qualification record of 123 and total score of 148. » read more

  • Influential civilians get 'exciting' visit to TRADOC, Fort Eustis

    Influential civilians get 'exciting' visit to TRADOC, Fort Eustis

    A group of 55 members of the Defense Orientation Conference Association traveled to Fort Eustis, Va., July 30 to learn more about how U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command trains Soldiers in defense of the nation, and how the command is helping design the nation's ground force of the future. » read more

  • CASCOM's Top Civilian Focuses on Training, Mentorship

    CASCOM's Top Civilian Focuses on Training, Mentorship

    Continuity through changing times is essential to a successful organization, especially to the U.S. Army. Through organizational transformation at the U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command and the establishment of the Sustainment Center of Excellence, there has been one lead trusted advisor since 2006 fostering continuity over the years and helping to guide the command into the future. » read more

  • Gabe wins military hero dog award

    Gabe wins military hero dog award

    Fort Jackson's Gabe will represent all armed forces dogs at the annual American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards banquet in Los Angeles later this year. The retired military dog spent several years sniffing out insurgent bombs, guns and ammunition in Iraq with his handler, Sgt. 1st Class Chuck Shuck, now a drill sergeant leader at Fort Jackson's Drill Sergeant School. » read more

  • USAWC hosts Combined/Joint Force Land Component Commander Course

    USAWC hosts Combined/Joint Force Land Component Commander Course

    On July 23-27, the U.S. Army War College again hosts the Combined/Joint Force Land Component Commander course, or C/JFLCC course. The program is held three times annually in Collins Hall at Carlisle Barracks. » read more

  • TRADOC's longest serving executive retires after 41 years

    TRADOC's longest serving executive retires after 41 years

    Michael Bauman has been TRAC's director since its designation as a senior executive service position in 1993. He retired with 41 years in federal service, and 34 of those years were served with TRADOC -- 25 of which he served as a member of the senior executive service. » read more

  • Robotics Rodeo: Showcase features new technologies

    Robotics Rodeo: Showcase features new technologies

    The Maneuver Center of Excellence put a dose of sci-fi on center stage at the 2012 Robotics Rodeo. More than 40 vendors and five universities showcased nearly 75 different technologies during the 10-day event at Fort Benning's McKenna Urban Operations Complex. It kicked off June 20 and ended Friday. » read more

  • West Virginia woman signs on as first female Bradley mechanic

    West Virginia woman signs on as first female Bradley mechanic

    Cicely Verstein didn't plan on breaking any new ground when she enlisted in the Army. But the job she selected at the recruiting station has thrust her into the military spotlight. » read more

  • From Recruiting Command to the White House

    From Recruiting Command to the White House

    Staff Sgt. Kyle Busby has already accomplished far more than he ever imagined eight years ago while working at an ice cream shop and a home reconstruction business in his hometown of Clinton, Ill. And now, a small inspired act will soon take him to the White House and lead him on the journey of a lifetime. » read more

  • Drill Sergeant of the Year winners announced

    Drill Sergeant of the Year winners announced

    The U.S. Army selected Staff Sgt. Jeffrey Heilman, representing Fort Jackson, S.C., as the 2012 active duty U.S. Army Drill Sergeant of the Year; and Staff Sgt. Jarod Moss, representing the 95th Reserve Division as the 2012 Army Reserve Drill Sergeant of the Year. » read more

  • Army, TRADOC set Soldiers up for success with job credentialing

    Army, TRADOC set Soldiers up for success with job credentialing

    The Army's Training and Doctrine Command is working to increase opportunities for Soldiers to receive civilian credentialing for attending military schools. » read more

  • TRADOC commander outlines transition to Army of 2020

    TRADOC commander outlines transition to Army of 2020

    The commanding general of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command had an opportunity to share his thoughts on the Army of 2020 with the local chapter of the Association of the United States Army during a professional development forum in Williamsburg, Va., June 21. » read more

  • Get your ACT together, IDP makes planning your future easy

    Get your ACT together, IDP makes planning futures easy

    Are you an Army Soldier, officer or Army civilian who has an individual development plan, or IDP, due in the near future? If so, you may be interested to know about the newly developed step-by-step navigation tool called the Army Career Tracker that can help create an IDP in a few simple steps. » read more

picture of Gen. Robert W. Cone, TRADOC Commanding General
"While our operational forces, our battalions, our brigades and divisions are out there winning the battles using the doctrine, training and education and weapons that TRADOC provides, TRADOC is busy making sure that they will be even more successful in the next fight. It is an organization of sunparalleled importance to the future of our Army and our nation."
General, U.S. Army
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In The News

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Study to examine if fatty acids lower veterans' suicide risk

As military suicides rise, focus is on private weapons

The few, the proud, the infantilized

Suit claims sexual assault

Reinventing landpower

Marines test women on infantry course for first time

Foot soldiers march their way into new Air Sea Battle concept

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