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Active Cases
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    Please select sorting order for docket list:

    » Applicant Name
    » Docket Number

    The following list contains dockets in cases pending in the Office of Administrative Law Judges and dockets that have been terminated by settlement or initial decision during the past 365 days. By clicking on any lead docket number you will see the designated judge; the applicant name; the currently established procedural schedule, including hearing and conference dates; whether procedural dates have been suspended or delayed; settlement filed dates; settlement initial and reply comment dates; briefing dates; initial decision issued dates; and settlement certified dates. In addition, to see a copy of the restricted service list where one has been established, click on the link "restricted service list" at the bottom of the procedural date page. Updates to the procedural dates and restricted service lists are done at least twice daily.

    FERC does not consider the list of procedural dates or the restricted service in cases pending before the Office of Administrative Law Judges to be the official notification of procedural dates or of restricted service list, and it should not be used as a substitute for administrative law judges' orders, notices, decisions, or certifications to the Commission. Users will be responsible for verifying information, including dates and times, contained in the listed cases. The Commission will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or untimely additions to the list of cases pending before the Office of Administrative Law Judges.

    The format to the restricted service list has changed to be more consistent with the format used in the official service list by the Secretary of the Commission. Users will now be able to download the restricted service list in a multitude of format options provided at the bottom of the restricted service list. Any requests for changes to the official service list made to the Secretary of the Commission may be automatically reflected in the restricted service list unless otherwise requested.


Updated: June 28, 2010