H1N1 influenza case confirmed in Stuttgart military community

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STUTTGART, Germany — German health officials have confirmed that a member of the U.S. military community in Stuttgart contracted the Novel A (H1N1) influenza virus. The individual confirmed as ill with the virus is a childcare provider employed at the Patch Barracks Child Development Center (CDC).

The employee had worked Monday and Tuesday (22-23 June) in the infant care room (primarily) and the pre-school room. The employee felt ill, sought medical attention at a German health facility on the 23rd, and notified the Child Development Center on the 24th of the diagnosis of H1N1. The employee will not return to work in the CDC until a later date after evaluation.

USAG Stuttgart garrison officials are aware of the situation and are working closely with medical officials at the Stuttgart Health Clinic. All parents who have children enrolled in the Patch CDC have been informed of the situation. The entire CDC was disinfected with bleach, to include the rooms where the ill employee had worked. CDC staff members are closely monitoring children's health to assure prompt action if any of them become ill.

The World Health Organization is carefully monitoring the H1N1 and other strains of Influenza and it offers these preventive techniques against the illnesses:

- Keep at least arms length from others - Cover coughs and sneezes - Wash your hands and maintain household sanitization - Get plenty of bed rest - Drink sufficient fluids, take medication for fever and practice good nutrition. - Cough or sneeze into disposable tissues and discard them in a plastic bag immediately after use. - Wash your eating utensils in hot, soapy water after each use and don't share objects such as pens or tools. - Disinfect door knobs, light switches and toilet handles with a store bought disinfectant or a solution with 1/2 cup of household bleach and a gallon of cold water.

If you do exhibit flu-like symptoms:

- Keep yourself separate from those who are feeling well. - You may wear a mask to further reduce the likelihood of sharing your disease with others, but should still maintain your "isolation" from others. - Soldiers, Family members and employees who develop symptoms of the flu (including dizziness, fatigue and fever), should stay at home until they are symptom free for at least 24 hours or 7 days from the onset of symptoms (Soldiers make sure you consult your chain of command first). - Don't let your strong sense of duty cause a potential case to spread to others. - If you have a chronic health condition or fever over 100 degrees F. in addition to flu-like symptoms, follow the normal sick call procedures or call the clinic for an appointment.

It is expected that most people who get H1N1 flu will recover without needing medical care or antiviral medications. Treatment is available for those who become seriously ill or are at high risk for flu complications. If a person's symptoms worsen, especially shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, they should immediately seek medical care.

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