USS Taylor Conducts Passenger Exchange, Training With Norwegian Sub

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USS TAYLOR, At Sea – USS Taylor (FFG 50) conducted a passenger exchange along with sonar and lookout training with the Norwegian submarine HNoMS Ula (S 300) Aug. 23.

The training evolutions gave Taylor’s crew a unique opportunity to practice sonar detecting and lookout training with a submarine.  Additionally, it provided the opportunity for officers and senior enlisted of both ships to cross deck for the afternoon.

“The crew is very professional and courteous,” said Norwegian navy Lt. Marstrander, Ula’s weapons officer. “Taylor is a very clean ship and it was a pleasure to get to take a tour of her.”

Once the passenger exchange was completed, Taylor and Ula conducted passive tracking exercises as well as training for Taylor’s lookouts in spotting a periscope on the surface.

During the training evolution, members of Taylor’s crew conducted their own visit with Ula.

“It was a very unique experience,” said Chief Engineman (SW) Jerry Fegan. “I have never been on a sub before, and to go aboard and dive down 300 ft. is something I will probably never get to do again.”

Fegan also remarked that the experience really helped him appreciate the differences between the U.S. Navy and other nations’ naval forces and how other navies of the world operate and live.

“When our guys are feeling down, we can remind them that a lot of other [non-American] sailors in the world do the same job we do without as many of the quality of life items that we take for granted,” said Fegan.

Taylor, an Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate homeported in Mayport, Fla., is currently on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. 6th fleet area of responsibility.

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