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How to Apply

A large part of EPA's mission to protect the environment and public health is accomplished by awarding grants and cooperative agreements. It is EPA's policy to promote competition in the award of assistance agreements to the maximum extent practicable. Depending on the assistance program you are applying for, you will need to obtain an application kit from the appropriate Grants or Program Office that will administer the assistance program. This will be one of ten EPA Regional Offices or from its Headquarters Office in Washington, DC. You should contact the appropriate office identified in the solicitation. Solicitations may be viewed under Find Current Funding Opportunities. Below are links to assist you with applying for EPA assistance.

EPA Grant Package

EPA Grant-Writing Tips

Grant Application Forms

See all USEPA Grant Forms


State Grants | Find Current Funding Opportunities | How to Apply | EPA Grantee Forms | Grant and Fellowship Information | Open Announcements | Closed Announcements/Pending Awards |Desk Top Resource | Policy, Regulations and Guidance | Davis Bacon | Suspension and Debarment Program | Find the Grant Regional Office Near You | EPA's Plan for Grants Management |

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