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Singapore’s household net worth has increased about three-fold from Q1 1995 to Q2 2012. The composition of households’ assets has progressively shifted towards the holding of financial assets. Our household net worth was less adversely affected during the recent financial crisis, compared to selected countries.

Advance GDP estimates for 3Q2012 will be released on 12 Oct 2012, 8.00 a.m.


"Monthly Digest of Statistics, Sep 2012" released.

bullet Import, Export, Singapore Manufactured Products and Domestic Supply Price Indices rose 1.2%, 1.2%, 2.4% and 2.5% respectively in Aug 2012 compared to Jul 2012, due mainly to higher oil prices.

bullet Singapore’s total population was 5.31 million as at end-June 2012. This was an increase of 2.5% compared to a year ago. More information is available in “Population Trends 2012”.

Manufacturing output declined 2.3% in Aug 2012 on a seasonally adjusted month-on-month basis.


To address its demographic shifts, Singapore needs to continue to raise productivity through business restructuring and workforce retraining; encourage more residents to enter and stay in the workforce; and complement the resident workforce with a calibrated rate of immigration and foreign worker inflow.

The Household Expenditure Survey (HES) 2012/13 will be conducted from Oct 2012 - Sep 2013 to collect the latest consumption expenditure of households in Singapore.

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Last updated: 8 Oct 2012