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Featured Reports
Trust for America's Health in the News

June 28, 2011
National Prevention Strategy aims to keep Americans healthier, living longer
Orlando Sentinel

June 20, 2011
Healthwatch news bites: agriculture spending bill passed
The Hill

June 16, 2011
Obama administration releases plan aiming to prevent disease with healthier lifestyles
Associated Press in Washington Post

June 12, 2011
TN starts young in weight battle
Students show progress, but breaking ingrained habits proves far from easy

June 6, 2011
Number of Lives Saved by U.S. Clean Air Act Continues to Grow
The Nation's Health

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TFAH works on a variety of issues to help protect the health of every community and make disease prevention a national priority. Major vulnerabilities remain in our preparedness to respond to health emergencies, including bioterrorism, natural disasters, chronic diseases and emerging infectious diseases. Learn more about our policy work with Congress and the Administration and how you can take action to support public health. Read more

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