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Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) 1999


Job Training and Partnership Act (JTPA), Title IV - Pilot and Demonstration Program (SGA/DFA 99-021)

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is seeking to award regional consortium building grants. The purpose of these awards is to support the creation and development of regional skills consortia for the purpose of assessing employer skill needs and of assessing the need for closing the gaps between the skills needed by industry and the skills currently held by regional workers.
Issue Date:          Monday September 13, 1999
Closing Date:     Monday, November 15, 1999, at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Grant Awardees for SGA DFA 99-021

ITA/Eligible Provider Demonstration Grants (SGA/DFA 99-017)

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA), announces a demonstration program to test innovative methods of providing reemployment assistance and training to eligible workers. Through this notice, DOL seeks to identify a national group of vanguard sites committed to implementing Individual Training Accounts (ITAs as described in the WIA) and to the establishment of an Eligible Provider List process that is consistent with the WIA framework and informed by best practice and insight from the field.
Issue Date:          Wednesday, August 25, 1999
Closing Date:     Monday, November 8, 1999, at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Press Release and Awards Granted
Bidders Conference Information
Briefing Book
Questions and Answers

H-1B Technical Skill Training Grants (SGA/DFA 99-019)

The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), announces the availability of grant funds for skill training programs for unemployed and employed workers. Funding for these grants is coming from the user fee mandated for applicants for new H-1B nonimmigrant visa workers and established under the American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 (ACWIA).
Issue Date:          August 16, 1999
Closing Date:     October 30, 1999

Press Release
Grants Awarded

Labor Participation in School-To-Work (SGA/DFA 99-016)

The Departments of Labor and Education jointly invite proposals for approximately 2-3 new awards in PY 1998 as authorized under section 403 of the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 (the Act). These awards will provide support to national labor unions to undertake outreach and technical assistance to their memberships. These activities are intended to engage and build the capacity of their affiliates and private sector partners to participate in activities that will result in an increase in the number of work based learning opportunities for students. As a result of the products developed and activities and systems implemented, awardees will be required to provide clear, quantifiable evidence of increased numbers of regional and local unions engaged in STW activities, with supporting documentation that clearly illustrates an increase in the number of students engaged in work-based learning activities.
Issue Date:          June 25, 1999
Closing Date:     August 24, 1999

Youth Opportunity Grants (SGA/DFA 99-015)

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, announces the competitive grants to be awarded under the Youth Opportunity initiative. The Workforce Investment Act specifies that Youth Opportunity grants are to be used to increase the long-term employment of youth who live in empowerment zones, enterprise communities, and high-poverty areas. To develop high-quality programs that help individual youth find better jobs and increase their educational attainment. In addition to achieve community-wide impacts in increasing youth employment rates and educational attainment.
Issue Date:          June 2, 1999
Closing Date:    Sept 30, 1999

Youth Opportunity Grants Information Page
Press Release and Awards Granted

Contextual Learning Demonstration Program (SGA/DAA 99-008)

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA), announces a demonstration program to test the viability of innovative training strategies in reducing the time required for individuals with low basic skills to develop the skills needed to qualify for quality jobs in occupations and industry settings with long-term growth potential. This demonstration program is targeting workers who have been dislocated from declining industries and who have not only non-transferrable, obsolete job skills, but also low basic skills. This demonstration program has two special emphases: the use of contextual learning strategies to develop basic literacy skills in conjunction with the development of vocational skills, and strategies to develop such skills with limited-English-speaking populations.
Issue Date:          April 1, 1999
Closing Date:    May 10, 1999

Grant Awardees for SGA-DFA 99-008

Innovation in Apprenticeship for Women Solicitation (SGA/DFA 99-007)

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT), announces the availability of funds for four (4) categories of pilot demonstration projects seeking to identify and eliminate barriers to recruiting, retention, training, and placement of female apprentices in non traditional occupations. Funds will be provided to Community Based Organizations, employers, labor/management organizations, employer associations, apprenticeship sponsors, educational entities, state and local governments, partners and stakeholders who propose to match (i.e., cash and/or other in-kind contributions), no less than one quarter of the amount of the awards.
Issue Date:          March 12, 1999
Closing Date:     April 23, 1999

Grant Awardees for SGA-DFA 99-007

Quality Child Care Initiative Solicitation (SGA/DFA 99-006)

The Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT), invites proposals for a minimum of ten (10) awards for the implementation of the Quality Child Care Initiative. It will assist with the initiation of building a national system for the education and training of professional child care providers and expand the National Apprenticeship System by incorporating diversification of occupational entities through development of new and innovative strategies for increasing the participation among the child care industry.
Issue Date:         March 12, 1999
Closing Date:     May 11, 1999

Grant Awardees for SGA-DFA 99-006

School-to-Work Opportunities Act: Industry Association/Business Consortium Solicitation (SGA/DFA 99-005)

The Departments of Labor and Education jointly invite proposals for up to 10 new awards in FY 1998, as authorized under Section 403 of the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 (the Act). These awards will provide support to industry/trade groups or associations/coalitions with national memberships or participation and to local/regional business-led consortia to undertake outreach, technical assistance, and other activities to increase the number and capacity of employers to participate in STW systems.
Issue Date:          February 18, 1999
Closing Date:     April 5, 1999

Press Release and Awards Granted

Grant Awardees for SGA-DFA 99-005

Local Job Vacancy Survey (SGA/DAA 99-004)

The U. S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA), announces the availability of funds for Service Delivery Areas (SDAs) and/or organizations that represent them (e.g., States, One-Stop Centers, partners) to participate in enhancing the One-Stop Career System.
Issue Date:          January 19, 1999
Closing Date:     March 31, 1999

Incumbent Worker Demonstration Program (SGA/DAA 99-002)

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA), announces a demonstration program to test the ability of the workforce development system to partner with employers, training providers and others to develop incumbent worker training programs which promote retention, as documented by continued employment at the employer-of-record; upgrading the skills of incumbent workers; increasing the firm's or firms' or sector's or industry's profitability; and enabling workers to become more competitive in the marketplace.
Issue Date:          December 15, 1998
Closing Date:     March 1, 1999

Press Release and Awards Granted

Grant Awardees for SGA-DAA 99-002

Dislocated Worker Manufacturing Technology Demonstration Program (SGA/DAA 99-001)

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA), announces a demonstration program to test the ability of the workforce development system to partner with employers, training providers and others to train dislocated workers in the skills necessary to obtain work requiring technology skills in occupations in manufacturing industry settings with long-term growth potential.The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA), announces a demonstration program to test the ability of the workforce development system to partner with employers, training providers and others to train dislocated workers in the skills necessary to obtain work requiring technology skills in occupations in manufacturing industry settings with long-term growth potential.
Issue Date:          December 15, 1998
Closing Date:     February 16, 1999

Press Release and Awards Granted

Grant Awardees for SGA-DAA 99-001


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