Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-48. Growth of Freight Activity in the United States: Comparison of the 1997 and 1993 Commodity Flow Surveys

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 Mode of Transportation Value Tons  Ton-Miles 
1997 (billion $ 1997) 1993 (billion $ 1997) Percent change 1997 (millions) 1993 (millions) Percent change 1997 (billions) 1993 (billions) Percent change
All modes 6,944.0 6,360.8 9.2 11,089.7 9,688.5 14.5 2,661.4 2,420.9 9.9
Single Modes 5,719.6 5,376.3 6.4 10,436.5 8,922.3 17.0 2,383.5 2,136.9 11.5
Trucka 4,981.5 4,791.0 4.0 7,700.7 6,385.9 20.6 1,023.5 869.5 17.7
For-hire truck 2,901.3 2,856.1 1.6 3,402.6 2,808.3 21.2 741.1 629.0 17.8
Private truckb 2,036.5 1,910.4 6.6 4,137.3 3,543.5 16.8 268.6 235.9 13.9
Rail 319.6 269.2 18.7 1,549.8 1,544.1 0.4 1,022.5 942.6 8.5
Water 75.8 67.1 13.1 563.4 505.4 11.5 261.7 272.0 -3.8
Shallow draft 53.9 44.3 21.7 414.8 362.5 14.4 189.3 164.4 15.2
Great Lakes 1.5 1.3 15.4 38.4 33.0 16.4 13.4 12.4 8.2
Deep draft 20.4 21.5 -4.9 110.2 109.9 0.2 59.0 95.2 -38.0
Air (includes truck and air) 229.1 151.3 51.4 4.5 3.1 42.6 6.2 4.0 55.5
Pipelinec 113.5 97.8 16.1 618.2 483.6 27.8 S S S
Multiple Modes 945.9 720.9 31.2 216.7 225.7 -4.0 204.5 191.5 6.8
Parcel, U.S. Postal Service or courier 855.9 612.8 39.7 23.7 18.9 25.4 18.0 13.2 36.8
Truck and rail 75.7 90.4 -16.3 54.2 40.6 33.5 55.6 37.7 47.5
Truck and water 8.2 10.2 -19.4 33.2 68.0 -51.2 34.8 40.6 -14.4
Rail and water 1.8 4.0 -55.2 79.3 79.2 0.1 77.6 70.2 10.5
Other multiple modes 4.3 3.5 22.0 26.2 18.9 38.6 18.6 S S
Other/unknown modes 278.6 263.6 5.7 436.5 540.5 -19.2 73.4 92.6 -20.7
All modes 6,944.0 6,360.8 9.2 11,089.7 9,688.5 14.5 2,661.4 2,420.9 9.9

a Truck as a single mode includes shipments that went by private truck only, for-hire truck only, or a combination of both.
b Private truck refers to a truck operated by a temporary or permanent employee of an establishment or the buyer/receiver of the shipment.
c Excludes most shipments of crude oil.

NOTE: Numbers and percents may not add to totals due to rounding.

KEY: S = Data are not published because of high sampling variability or other reasons.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau 1997 Economic Census,Transportation, 1997 Commodity Flow Survey (Washington, DC: December 1999), table 1b; the Bureau of Transportation Statistics converted the value of 1993 commodities from 1993 current dollars to1997 constant dollars using Bureau of Economic Analysis' chain-type price deflators.

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