Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-1M. System Mileage Within the United States (Statute kilometers)

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1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Highwaya   5,706,240 5,937,942 6,002,985 6,176,897 6,211,806 6,218,364 6,223,214 10,015,292 16,118,051 25,939,488 41,745,560 6,296,117 6,307,743 6,348,214 6,355,127
Class I railb,c   333,672 321,544 316,202 308,222 265,255 234,584 192,732 310,172 499,173 803,341 1,292,852 174,234 170,235 164,359 161,852
Amtrakc   N N N N 38,624 38,624 38,624 62,160 100,036 160,993 259,093 38,624 40,234 40,234 35,406
Commuter railc   N N N N N 5,752 6,649 10,701 17,221 27,714 44,602 6,695 5,926 7,108 8,324
Heavy rail  N N N N N 2,081 2,174 3,498 5,630 9,060 14,580 2,346 2,379 2,457 2,457
Light rail N N N N N 618 777 1,250 2,012 3,237 5,210 913 1,027 1,061 1,088
Navigable channelse 40,234 40,234 41,843 41,843 41,843 41,843 41,843 67,340 108,373 174,409 280,684 41,843 41,843 R41,843 41,843
Oil pipelinef 307,295 339,358 351,917 363,533 351,469 343,764 335,954 540,665 870,116 1,400,316 2,253,591 R356,631 R285,715 R289,478 287,506
Gas pipelineg 1,015,416 1,235,204 1,469,761 1,575,971 1,692,666 1,800,655 1,942,308 3,125,841 5,030,554 8,095,891 13,029,074 2,031,237 2,054,030 R2,013,610 2,059,500

a All public road and street mileage. Prior to 1980, some miles of nonpublic roadways are included. No consistent data on private road mileage are available.Includes District of Columbia. 
b Data represent miles of road owned (aggregate length of road, excluding yard tracks, sidings, and parallel lines).
c Portions of Class I freight railroads, Amtrak, and commuter rail networks share common trackage. Amtrak data represent miles of track operated.
d Transit system mileage is measured in directional route-miles. A directional route-mile is the mileage in each direction over which public transportation vehicles travel while in revenue service. Directional route-miles are computed with regard to direction of service, but without  regard to the number of traffic lanes or rail tracks existing in the right-of-way. 
e The St. Lawrence Seaway is not included in this number because 3 of the 5 subsections are solely in Canadian waters, and the others are in international boundary waters. Of the 26,000 miles of navigable waterways, 10,867 miles are commercially significant shallow-draft inland waterways subject to fuel taxes.
f Includes trunk and gathering lines for crude-oil pipeline.
g Excludes service pipelines. Data not adjusted to common diameter equivalent. Mileage as of the end of each year. Includes field and gathering,  transmission, and distribution main. See table 1-8 for a more detailed breakout of oil and gas pipeline mileage.

KEY: N = data do not exist; R = revised.

Total highway mileage in this table will not match that in tables 1-4 and 1-5 because of a change in the way the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway  Administration (FHWA) creates mileage-based tables derived from the Highway Performance Monitoring System, beginning with the 1997 issue of FHWA's Highway Statistics. 

1960-95: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009(Washington, DC: Annual issues), table HM-212. 
1996-98: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table HM-12.
Class I rail:
1960-98: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts (Washington, DC: 1998), p. 44.
1980: Amtrak, Corporate Planning and Development, personal communication (Washington, DC).
1985-98: Amtrak, Corporate Planning and Development, Statistical Appendix to Amtrak Annual Report (Washington, DC: Annual issues).
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, National Transit Database (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table 18 (1996-1997) and table 19 (for 1998) and similar tables in earlier editions. 
Navigable channels:
1960-96: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Ohio River Division, Huntington District, Ohio River Navigation System Report, 1996, Commerce on the Ohio River and its Tributaries (Fort Belvoir, VA: 1996), p. 2.
1997-1998: Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center Databases, personal communication, June 2000.
Oil pipeline:
1960-98: Eno Transportation Foundation, Inc., Transportation in America, 1998 (Washington, DC: 1999), p. 64.
Gas pipeline:
1960-98: American Gas Association, Gas Facts (Arlington, VA : Annual issues), table 5-2 and similar tables in earlier editions.

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