
100 Days Of Progress

In his inaugural address to the nation on January 20, 2009, President Barack Obama declared from the steps of the U.S. Capitol, “The state of our economy calls for action: bold and swift. And we will act not only to create new jobs but to lay a new foundation for growth.”

Today marks the first 100 days of President Barack Obama's Administration. Working in full partnership with the President, the 111th Congress has had an historic start and made great progress on our joint effort to put this nation on the path to recovery and growth. Together we have enacted:

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act — which will create and save 3.5 million jobs, jumpstart the economy and transform it for the 21st Century

Health care coverage for 11 million children — provided cost-effective health care coverage for millions of America's children

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act — to restore the rights of women and other workers to challenge unfair pay

The bipartisan Omnibus Public Lands Management Act — the most significant conservation measure in 15 years

The Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act — bipartisan legislation tripling volunteerism opportunities for national service for 250,000 Americans

Both the House and Senate have also adopted a budget blueprint that closely reflects President Obama's priorities of affordable health care, clean energy and excellence in education while cutting taxes for millions of middle income Americans by $1.7 trillion and cutting the deficit by nearly two-thirds. This budget — a statement of our national values — is critical to building a stronger economy to create a lasting and broadly shared prosperity.

In addition, the House has passed several other key measures, including Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, Putting 50,000 Additional Cops on the Beat, TARP Accountability Act, Pay for Performance Act and FDA Regulation of Tobacco.

Click here to see a more detailed overview of some of the key accomplishments of the New Direction Congress>>

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