Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012
Next Update: August 2013

Table 1.15 Non-Combustion Use of Fossil Fuels, 1980-2011
Table 1.15  Non-Combustion Use of Fossil Fuels, 1980-2011

Petroleum Products

Gas 4



Percent of
Total Energy
Road Oil
Gases 1

Feedstocks 2



Other 3

  Physical Units 5
1980 145 230 58 253 R 14 37 58 R 795 639 2.4 - - - -
1981 125 229 56 216 R 15 27 54 R 722 R 518 2.1 - - - -
1982 125 256 51 157 R 15 25 48 R 678 R 448 1.4 - - - -
1983 136 264 53 151 R 14 30 45 R 694 R 441 1.2 - - - -
1984 150 R 258 57 145 R 15 40 41 705 R 495 1.5 - - - -
1985 156 R 278 53 144 R 16 30 41 R 719 500 1.1 - - - -
1986 164 R 265 52 170 R 16 25 38 R 729 R 479 .7 - - - -
1987 170 R 315 59 170 R 18 28 36 R 796 R 535 .8 - - - -
1988 171 R 339 57 173 R 19 22 40 R 822 554 .7 - - - -
1989 165 R 349 58 172 R 19 20 39 R 823 R 560 .6 - - - -
1990 176 R 373 60 199 20 20 39 R 887 R 567 .6 - - - -
1991 162 R 426 53 203 17 17 44 R 922 573 .6 - - - -
1992 166 R 448 54 214 R 28 20 35 R 966 R 606 1.2 - - - -
1993 174 R 436 55 216 R 18 20 35 R 955 R 640 .9 - - - -
1994 176 R 483 58 224 R 21 15 35 R 1,013 673 .9 - - - -
1995 178 R 479 57 215 R 20 13 33 R 996 R 695 .9 - - - -
1996 177 R 502 55 217 R 20 14 33 R 1,019 R 718 .9 - - - -
1997 184 R 501 58 250 R 15 14 34 R 1,056 R 740 .9 - - - -
1998 190 R 485 61 252 25 20 39 R 1,073 762 .8 - - - -
1999 200 R 566 62 238 36 28 37 R 1,166 R 736 .8 - - - -
2000 192 R 545 61 243 16 19 38 R 1,114 R 710 .8 - - - -
2001 189 R 492 56 214 29 15 39 R 1,034 R 683 .7 - - - -
2002 187 R 526 55 229 24 20 38 R 1,078 657 .7 - - - -
2003 184 R 511 51 247 20 15 36 R 1,064 R 592 .7 - - - -
2004 196 R 536 52 287 36 10 34 R 1,151 R 528 .7 - - - -
2005 199 R 498 51 266 31 12 34 R 1,092 R 463 .7 - - - -
2006 R 190 R 521 42 265 35 13 41 R 1,108 R 398 .6 - - - -
2007 180 R 526 52 242 33 15 40 R 1,089 R 398 .6 - - - -
2008 152 R 484 48 210 37 16 41 R 989 R 398 .6 - - - -
2009 R 132 R 532 43 185 R 30 9 41 R 972 R 398 .4 - - - -
2010 132 R 581 48 R 196 R 10 5 43 R 1,015 R 398 .6 - - - -
2011P 130 575 46 187 11 4 44 996 398 .6 - - - -
  Quadrillion Btu
1980 0.96 0.78 0.35 1.43 R 0.09 0.19 0.34 R 4.14 0.65 0.08 R 4.87 R 6.2
1981 .83 .77 .34 1.21 R .09 .14 .31 R 3.70 R .53 .07 R 4.30 R 5.6
1982 .83 .87 .31 .88 R .09 .13 .28 R 3.39 R .46 .04 3.90 5.3
1983 .90 .89 .32 .85 R .08 .16 .26 R 3.47 R .45 .04 R 3.97 R 5.4
1984 .99 R .88 .35 .82 .09 .21 .24 3.58 R .51 .05 R 4.13 R 5.4
1985 1.03 R .96 .32 .82 R .10 .16 .24 3.63 .52 .03 4.18 5.5
1986 1.09 R .93 .31 .95 R .10 .13 .22 R 3.73 R .49 .02 R 4.25 5.5
1987 1.13 R 1.12 .36 .96 R .11 .14 .21 R 4.03 R .55 .03 R 4.60 5.8
1988 1.14 R 1.21 .34 .97 R .11 .11 .23 R 4.12 .57 .02 R 4.71 5.7
1989 1.10 R 1.26 .35 .96 R .11 .11 .23 R 4.12 R .58 .02 R 4.71 R 5.6
1990 1.17 R 1.33 .36 1.12 .12 .11 .23 R 4.44 R .58 .02 R 5.05 R 6.0
1991 1.08 R 1.52 .32 1.15 .11 .09 .26 R 4.52 .59 .02 R 5.13 R 6.1
1992 1.10 R 1.61 .33 1.20 .17 .10 .21 R 4.73 R .63 .04 R 5.40 R 6.3
1993 1.15 R 1.55 .34 1.22 R .11 .10 .20 R 4.68 R .66 .03 R 5.37 R 6.1
1994 1.17 R 1.75 .35 1.26 R .13 .08 .20 4.95 .69 .03 5.67 6.4
1995 1.18 R 1.72 .35 1.21 R .12 .07 .20 R 4.85 R .71 .03 R 5.59 R 6.1
1996 1.18 R 1.80 .34 1.21 R .12 .07 .20 R 4.91 R .74 .03 R 5.68 R 6.0
1997 1.22 R 1.80 .35 1.40 R .09 .07 .20 R 5.13 R .76 .03 R 5.92 6.3
1998 1.26 1.73 .37 1.40 .15 .11 .23 R 5.26 .79 .03 R 6.07 R 6.4
1999 1.32 R 2.04 .37 1.33 .22 .15 .22 R 5.64 R .76 .03 R 6.43 R 6.6
2000 1.28 R 1.96 .37 1.35 .10 .10 .22 R 5.37 R .73 .03 R 6.12 R 6.2
2001 1.26 R 1.76 .34 1.19 .17 .08 .23 R 5.03 R .70 .02 R 5.75 R 6.0
2002 1.24 R 1.87 .33 1.27 .15 .10 .22 R 5.19 .68 .02 R 5.88 R 6.0
2003 1.22 R 1.83 .31 1.37 .12 .08 .21 R 5.15 R .61 .02 R 5.78 R 5.9
2004 1.30 R 1.92 .31 1.59 .22 .05 .20 R 5.59 R .54 .02 R 6.16 6.1
2005 1.32 R 1.78 .31 1.47 .19 .06 .20 R 5.34 R .48 .02 R 5.83 5.8
2006 1.26 R 1.85 .25 1.48 .21 .07 .24 R 5.37 R .41 .02 R 5.80 5.8
2007 1.20 R 1.86 .31 1.35 .20 .08 .24 R 5.23 R .41 .02 R 5.66 R 5.6
2008 1.01 R 1.70 .29 1.17 .23 .08 .24 R 4.73 R .41 .02 R 5.16 R 5.2
2009 .87 R 1.85 .26 1.03 .18 .05 .24 R 4.48 R .41 .01 4.91 5.2
2010 .88 R 2.02 .29 1.09 R .06 .03 .25 R 4.62 R .41 .02 R 5.05 R 5.2
2011P .86 1.98 .28 1.04 .06 .02 .26 4.50 .41 .02 4.93 5.1
1Liquefied petroleum gases and pentanes plus are aggregated to avoid disclosure of proprietary
R=Revised.  P=Preliminary.  - - =Not applicable.  
2Includes still gas not burned as refinery fuel. Notes:  -  Estimates of consumption for non-combustion use shown in this table are included in total
energy consumption (see Table 1.3).  -  See Note 2, "Non-Combustion Use of Fossil Fuels," at end of
section.  -  Because of changes in methodology, data series may be revised annually.  -  Estimates of
non-combustion use in this table are considered industrial uses with the exception of approximately half of
the lubricants which are considered transportation use.  -  Totals may not equal sum of components due to
independent rounding. 
3Distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, waxes, and miscellaneous products. Web Page:  For related information, see
4U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has altered the methodology for the natural gas
estimates.  The estimates are linearly interpolated between Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey
(MECS) years and held constant until data are available for the most recent MECS year.
Sources:  Petroleum Products:  -  1980-EIA, Energy Data Reports, Petroleum Statement, Annual and
Sales of Liquefied Petroleum Gases and Ethane in 1980.-  1981 forward-EIA, Petroleum Supply Annual,
annual reports, and unpublished data.  Natural Gas:-  1980-Bureau of the Census, 1980 Survey of
Manufactures, Hydrocarbon, Coal, and Coke Materials Consumed.  -  1981 forward-U.S. Department of
Commerce.  Coal:  -  1980 forward-EIA estimates based on the methodology underlying the nonfuel
emissions calculations in EIA's Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2008.  Percent of
Total Energy Consumption:  Derived by dividing total by total consumption on Table 1.3.
5Petroleum-million barrels; natural gas-billion cubic feet; and coal-million short tons.  
Total Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)