Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012
Next Update: August 2013

Table 10.1 Renewable Energy Production and Consumption by Primary Energy Source, 1949-2011 (Trillion Btu)
Table 10.1  Renewable Energy Production and Consumption by Primary Energy Source, 1949-2011
                       (Trillion Btu)

Production 1 Consumption
Biomass Total
Energy 4
Power 5

thermal 6

Solar/PV 7

Wind 8
Biomass Total
Biofuels 2 Total 3 Wood 9 Waste 10 Biofuels 11 Total
1949 NA 1,549 2,974 1,425 NA NA NA 1,549 NA NA 1,549 2,974
1950 NA 1,562 2,978 1,415 NA NA NA 1,562 NA NA 1,562 2,978
1951 NA 1,535 2,958 1,424 NA NA NA 1,535 NA NA 1,535 2,958
1952 NA 1,474 2,940 1,466 NA NA NA 1,474 NA NA 1,474 2,940
1953 NA 1,419 2,831 1,413 NA NA NA 1,419 NA NA 1,419 2,831
1954 NA 1,394 2,754 1,360 NA NA NA 1,394 NA NA 1,394 2,754
1955 NA 1,424 2,784 1,360 NA NA NA 1,424 NA NA 1,424 2,784
1956 NA 1,416 2,851 1,435 NA NA NA 1,416 NA NA 1,416 2,851
1957 NA 1,334 2,849 1,516 NA NA NA 1,334 NA NA 1,334 2,849
1958 NA 1,323 2,915 1,592 NA NA NA 1,323 NA NA 1,323 2,915
1959 NA 1,353 2,901 1,548 NA NA NA 1,353 NA NA 1,353 2,901
1960 NA 1,320 2,928 1,608 (s) NA NA 1,320 NA NA 1,320 2,928
1961 NA 1,295 2,952 1,656 1 NA NA 1,295 NA NA 1,295 2,952
1962 NA 1,300 3,117 1,816 1 NA NA 1,300 NA NA 1,300 3,117
1963 NA 1,323 3,096 1,771 2 NA NA 1,323 NA NA 1,323 3,096
1964 NA 1,337 3,225 1,886 2 NA NA 1,337 NA NA 1,337 3,225
1965 NA 1,335 3,396 2,059 2 NA NA 1,335 NA NA 1,335 3,396
1966 NA 1,369 3,432 2,062 2 NA NA 1,369 NA NA 1,369 3,432
1967 NA 1,340 3,690 2,347 3 NA NA 1,340 NA NA 1,340 3,690
1968 NA 1,419 3,773 2,349 5 NA NA 1,419 NA NA 1,419 3,773
1969 NA 1,440 4,095 2,648 6 NA NA 1,440 NA NA 1,440 4,095
1970 NA 1,431 4,070 2,634 6 NA NA 1,429 2 NA 1,431 4,070
1971 NA 1,432 4,262 2,824 6 NA NA 1,430 2 NA 1,432 4,262
1972 NA 1,503 4,382 2,864 15 NA NA 1,501 2 NA 1,503 4,382
1973 NA 1,529 4,411 2,861 20 NA NA 1,527 2 NA 1,529 4,411
1974 NA 1,540 4,742 3,177 26 NA NA 1,538 2 NA 1,540 4,742
1975 NA 1,499 4,687 3,155 34 NA NA 1,497 2 NA 1,499 4,687
1976 NA 1,713 4,727 2,976 38 NA NA 1,711 2 NA 1,713 4,727
1977 NA 1,838 4,209 2,333 37 NA NA 1,837 2 NA 1,838 4,209
1978 NA 2,038 5,005 2,937 31 NA NA 2,036 1 NA 2,038 5,005
1979 NA 2,152 5,123 2,931 40 NA NA 2,150 2 NA 2,152 5,123
1980 NA 2,476 5,428 2,900 53 NA NA 2,474 2 NA 2,476 5,428
1981 13 2,596 5,414 2,758 59 NA NA 2,496 88 13 2,596 5,414
1982 34 2,663 5,980 3,266 51 NA NA 2,510 119 34 2,663 5,980
1983 63 2,904 6,496 3,527 64 NA (s) 2,684 157 63 2,904 6,496
1984 77 2,971 6,438 3,386 81 (s) (s) 2,686 208 77 2,971 6,438
1985 93 3,016 6,084 2,970 97 (s) (s) 2,687 236 93 3,016 6,084
1986 107 2,932 6,111 3,071 108 (s) (s) 2,562 263 107 2,932 6,111
1987 123 2,875 5,622 2,635 112 (s) (s) 2,463 289 123 2,875 5,622
1988 124 3,016 5,457 2,334 106 (s) (s) 2,577 315 124 3,016 5,457
1989 125 3,159 6,235 2,837 162 55 22 2,680 354 125 3,159 6,235
1990 111 2,735 6,041 3,046 171 59 29 2,216 408 111 2,735 6,041
1991 128 2,782 6,069 3,016 178 62 31 2,214 440 128 2,782 6,069
1992 145 2,932 5,821 2,617 179 64 30 2,313 473 145 2,932 5,821
1993 169 2,908 6,083 2,892 186 66 31 2,260 479 169 2,908 6,083
1994 188 3,028 5,988 2,683 173 68 36 2,324 515 188 3,028 5,988
1995 198 3,099 6,558 3,205 152 69 33 2,370 531 200 3,101 6,560
1996 141 3,155 7,012 3,590 163 70 33 2,437 577 143 3,157 7,014
1997 186 3,108 7,018 3,640 167 70 34 2,371 551 184 3,105 7,016
1998 202 2,929 6,494 3,297 168 69 31 2,184 542 201 2,927 6,493
1999 211 2,965 6,517 3,268 171 68 46 2,214 540 209 2,963 6,516
2000 233 3,006 6,104 2,811 164 R 66 57 2,262 511 236 3,008 6,106
2001 254 2,624 5,164 2,242 164 64 70 2,006 364 253 2,622 5,163
2002 308 2,705 5,734 2,689 171 63 105 1,995 402 303 2,701 5,729
2003 402 2,805 5,982 2,825 175 62 115 2,002 401 404 2,807 5,983
2004 487 2,998 6,070 2,690 178 63 142 2,121 389 499 3,010 6,082
2005 564 3,104 6,229 2,703 181 63 178 R 2,137 403 577 R 3,117 6,242
2006 720 R 3,216 R 6,599 2,869 181 68 264 R 2,099 397 771 R 3,267 R 6,649
2007 978 R 3,461 R 6,509 2,446 186 76 341 R 2,070 413 991 R 3,474 R 6,523
2008 1,387 R 3,864 R 7,202 2,511 192 89 546 R 2,040 436 1,372 R 3,849 R 7,186
2009 R 1,584 R 3,928 R 7,616 2,669 200 98 721 R 1,891 R 453 R 1,568 R 3,912 R 7,600
2010 R 1,884 R 4,341 R 8,136 R 2,539 R 208 R 126 R 923 R 1,988 R 469 R 1,837 R 4,294 R 8,090
2011P 2,047 4,511 9,236 3,171 226 158 1,168 1,987 477 1,947 4,411 9,135
1Production equals consumption for all renewable energy sources except biofuels. 9Wood and wood-derived fuels.
2Total biomass inputs to the production of fuel ethanol and biodiesel. 10Municipal solid waste from biogenic sources, landfill gas, sludge waste, agricultural byproducts, and
other biomass.  Through 2000, also includes non-renewable waste (municipal solid waste from
non-biogenic sources, and tire-derived fuels).
3Wood and wood-derived fuels, biomass waste, and total biomass inputs to the production of fuel
ethanol and biodiesel.
11Fuel ethanol (minus denaturant) and biodiesel consumption, plus losses and co-products from the
production of fuel ethanol and biodiesel.
4Hydroelectric power, geothermal, solar thermal/photovoltaic, wind, and biomass. R=Revised.  P=Preliminary.  NA=Not available.  (s)=Less than 0.5 trillion Btu.  
5Conventional hydroelectricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fuels heat rate-see
Table A6).
Notes:  -  Most data for the residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation sectors are estimates.
See notes and sources for Tables 10.2a and 10.2b.  -  See Tables 8.2a-8.2d and 8.3a-8.3c for electricity
net generation and useful thermal output from renewable energy sources; Tables 8.4a-8.4c, 8.5a-8.5d,
8.6a-8.6c, and 8.7a-8.7c for renewable energy consumption for electricity generation and useful thermal
output; and Tables 8.11a-8.11d for renewable energy electric net summer capacity.  -  See Note,
"Renewable Energy Production and Consumption," at end of section.  -  See Table E1 for estimated
renewable energy consumption for 1635-1945.  -  Totals may not equal sum of components due to
independent rounding.
6Geothermal electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fuels heat rate-see Table A6),
and geothermal heat pump and direct use energy.
Web Pages:  -  See for updated monthly and
annual data.  -  See for related information.
7Solar thermal and photovoltaic (PV) electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fuels
heat rate-see Table A6), and solar thermal direct use energy.
Sources:  Biofuels:  Tables 10.3 and 10.4.   All Other Data:  Tables 10.2a-10.2c.
8Wind electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fuels heat rate-see Table A6).  
Total Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)