What is FishWatch?

FishWatch provides easy-to-understand science-based facts to help consumers make smart sustainable seafood choices.


FishWatch delivers the most up-to-date information on popular seafood harvested - or farmed - in the United States. It is not a buyer's guide designed to discriminate against one fishery or advocate for another, nor is it an ecolabel or certification. Rather, FishWatch helps you understand the complex science, laws, and management process actively sustaining our seafood supply.


FishWatch is maintained by NOAA Fisheries, the leading science authority for managing the nation’s marine fisheries. Under our watch, U.S. fisheries are scientifically monitored and managed, and U.S. fishermen follow the most restrictive regulations in the world. Our fisheries are some of the largest and most valuable in the world and supply about a fifth of the seafood we eat in the United States. The U.S. approach for sustainably managing fisheries has become an international model for addressing the challenges facing global ocean fisheries today.


NOAA Fisheries is also involved with developing a sustainable aquaculture industry in the United States. Our aquaculture industry is small but vibrant, directly contributing to our seafood supply and supplementing commercial fisheries. The United States works hard to ensure aquaculture is environmentally and economically sustainable through strict regulation at the state and federal levels, proven management practices, and proper siting of farms, especially in coastal areas. Aquaculture operations must also meet rigorous food safety and environmental standards.


FishWatch will arm you with the facts about the industry, science, and management sustaining your seafood - from the ocean or farm to your plate.


Learn more about NOAA Fisheries.