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New Department of State/ Directorate of Defense Trade Controls License Codes –United Kingdom ITAR Exemptions (SGB) and Australia ITAR Exemptions (SAU)

AES Broadcast  02/29/2012          Broadcast  #  2012017


New Department of State/ Directorate of Defense Trade Controls License Codes –United
Kingdom ITAR Exemptions (SGB) and Australia ITAR Exemptions (SAU)


Effective March 30, 2012, two new License Codes for United Kingdom ITAR Exemptions (SGB) and Australia ITAR Exemptions (SAU) will be added to the Automated Export System (AES).

The International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) is being amended pursuant to the Security Cooperation Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-266). Title I of the Security Cooperation Act, the Defense Trade Cooperation Treaties Implementation Act of 2010, implements the Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom, done at Washington, D.C. and London on June 21 and 26, 2007, respectively. These revisions will include amending the ITAR to include “§126.17 Exemption pursuant to the Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom.” The ITAR will be amended to add the provisions for the Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty between the United States and Australia when the Treaty enters into force. It is anticipated that this treaty will enter into force later this year.

United States Principal Parties in Interest and their authorized filing agents (AES filers) must follow the following new reporting requirements when reporting SGB- United Kingdom ITAR Exemptions and SAU- Australia ITAR Exemptions to prevent the return of fatal errors from AES.

  • Report the Country of Destination as GB – United Kingdom (License Code SGB) or    AU – Australia (License Code SAU)
  • Report one of the acceptable Export Information Codes: MS, GS, OI, OS
  • Report the Mode of Transportation, except pipeline
  • Report the Approved Community Member Number (ACM#) in the Export License Number/ CFR Citation/ Authorized Symbol/ KPC#/ ACM# field
  • Report the DDTC ITAR Exemption
  • Report the DDTC Registration Number
  • Report the DDTC SME Indicator
  • Report the DDTC Eligible Party Certification Indicator
  • Report the DDTC USML Category Code
  • Report the DDTC Unit of Measure Code
  • Report the DDTC Quantity

The following references have been provided regarding this modification to the AES.

The updated list of AES License and License Exemption Type Codes and Reporting Guidelines including License Codes SGB and SAU can be found in Appendix F of the Automated Export System Trade Interface Requirements (AESTIR) at:

The updated list of DDTC ITAR Exemption Codes can be found in Appendix O of the AESTIR at:

The updated DDTC Licensable Shipment Reporting Requirements Matrix including License Codes SGB and SAU can be found at: http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/automated/aes/tech_docs/aestir/ddtc_filing_matrix.ctt/ddtc_filing_matrix.doc

The updated AESTIR providing updates to the Customs Proprietary and ANSI X.12 record formats can be found at:

Review the Summary of Changes to the AESTIR at:

The data element Export License Number/ CFR Citation/ Authorization Symbol/ KCP# has been renamed Export License Number/ CFR Citation/ Authorization Symbol/ KCP# /ACM# to allow the reporting of the Approved Community Member Number required for License Codes SGB and SAU

Review the X1 Export License Segment of the ANSI X12 Record Format
The X102 and X103 elements have been updated to allow the reporting of the Approved Community Member Number required for License Codes SGB and SAU

For further information regarding the amendment to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, please contact Ms. Sarah Heidema, Office of Defense Trade Controls Policy at (202) 663-2809 or by e-mail at HeidemaSJ@state.gov .

For further information or questions regarding the reporting of License Codes in AES, please contact the U.S. Census Bureau's AES Branch. 

Telephone: (800) 549-0595, select option 1 for AES
Email: askaes@census.gov
Online: www.census.gov/trade.
Blog: http://globalreach.blogs.census.gov 


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Source: FTDWebMaster, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. 20233
Created: 21 Sep 2010
Last modified: 05 March 2012 at 02:25:34 PM