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AES Broadcast  02/17/2010          Broadcast  #  2010009 
Please help us spread the word about the 2010 Census 
Counting everyone in a country as large and diverse as the United 
       States is a significant challenge.  Therefore, we are harnessing every 
       avenue and channel possible to get the word out about the all-important 
       2010 Census.  And, here's where your knowledge and participation can 
       help us deliver to America's residents another successful census that 
       will benefit communities across America: 
Please visit our innovative 2010.census.gov Web site to learn about the 
       2010 Census and better understand its importance to your community. 
In March you will be able to access the following: see your community's 
       2000 Census participation rate on the "Take 10" Participate 
       Rate interactive map; compare your 2000 rate with the previous day's 
       2010 participation rate for your community or neighboring communities' 
       rates; view the participation rates of their family's or friends' 
       communities across the nation; also for those who need help with their 
       census form, look up the Be Counted and Questionnaire Assistance 
       Centers nearest you. 
Just learn two key messages to share with those who ask you 
       about the 2010 Census: 
       -  It's easy, important, and safe. 
       -  It's 10 questions, 10 minutes, and only once every 10 years. 
Inform your professional networks, friends, and family: 
   "Connect with the Census Bureau on Facebook, Twitter, 
       and Youtube and type in uncensusbureau to follow the buzz" 
Read 2010 Census Blog, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and 
       Youtube, or visit our 2010 Census Site. 
Together, we can make a difference in growing the rates of 
       participation in the 2010 Census. 
Thanks for your help. 
For questions on the 2010 Census, please call (800)923-8282. 
       For a complete list of contacts, please go to: 


FTD Web News

What is required for me to ship charity goods to Haiti?
From GLOBAL REACH: "In order to facilitate the movements of these goods, we offer the following guidance that applies to any goods not requiring a license, such as food, clothing, and medicines." (January 22, 2010)

Foreign Trade has GLOBAL REACH
Foreign Trade has just created and published its official blog, "Global Reach." Visit it to discuss the Foreign Trade Regulations, Export Filing (AES), Trade Data, and other trade related topics. Posts are current and relevant to you as the filer, exporter, data user, or curious blog reader. (January 5, 2010)

FTZ: Guidelines for Submtting Statistical Data (PDF) (1.8 MB)
Guidelines and best practices for fulfilling FTZ's statistical reporting requirements are now available.

- Training videos on topics such as the Foreign Trade Regulations, AESDirect, NAFTA, Taxes/Tariffs, Commodities, etc. now available!

2009 Constant Dollar Data
- The Census Bureau identified a processing error that caused incorrect deflators to be applied to the revised data for 2009. The data have been corrected.

- U.S. Census Bureau will modify the structure of several data products to accommodate changing technology and user demand.

- The export environment has dramatically changed. Come and understand what it takes to remain compliant, aware and out of trouble.

2003 AES Option 4 Moratorium
Option 4 Filing Review Process Suspended

AES Compliance Best Practices:
Best Practices for maintaining AES Compliance are now available.

Related Party Database Application:
Time series RELATED PARTY data for specific commodities and countries.

- Online Order Form
- FTD DropBox
- Merchandise Trade Downloads

NEW Schedule B Search Engine:
It's new. It's flexible. It has more options.

- Get the basics!
- Learn more!

Source: FTDWebMaster, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. 20233
Created: 17 May 200
Last modified: 13 July 2011 at 08:40:14 AM