U.S. Congressman Fred Upton

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Upton Votes for Bipartisan Bill to Boost Michigan Manufacturers
House-passed legislation establishes public-private board to support manufacturing competitiveness and job growth

Washington, DC, Sep 13 - Representative Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph) voted last evening for bipartisan legislation that will help manufacturers in Michigan and across the United States compete and create jobs.  The American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act (H.R. 5865) will establish a public-private American Manufacturing Competitiveness Board to advise the President on manufacturing issues and conduct a rigorous analysis of America’s manufacturing sector. The Board will also develop and submit to the President a national manufacturing competitiveness strategy, which will help eliminate red tape, encourage investment, and create more American manufacturing jobs.  H.R. 5865, which passed Upton’s Energy and Commerce Committee by voice vote this summer, passed the House by a vote of 339 to 77 and now heads to the Senate for further consideration.

“No one has felt the pain of our economic recession greater than our manufacturers here in Michigan; ensuring their strong comeback is absolutely essential to our national recovery and the renewed creation of good-paying jobs,” said Upton.  “This commonsense, bipartisan legislation gives our manufacturing renaissance the priority it deserves.  I applaud my colleagues, particularly those on the Energy and Commerce Committee, for working together to put our nation’s job creators first.”

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