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The NGC Web site and its content were developed and are maintained by ECRI Institute (formerly ECRI) under contract to AHRQ External Web Site Policy. ECRI Institute is an international nonprofit health services research agency, Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization (WHO), an AHRQ designated Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC), and a federally designated Patient Safety Organization (PSO). To find out more about ECRI Institute, please visit the ECRI Institute Web site External Web Site Policy.

The current NGC Web site was designed and implemented by Silverchair External Web Site Policy and ECRI Institute.

Management Team


Jean Slutsky, PA, MSPH, Director, Center for Outcomes and Evidence
Mary P. Nix, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB, Project Officer, NGC/NQMC
Judi Consalvo, Program Analyst

ECRI Institute

Vivian Coates, MBA, Project Director NGC/NQMC
Melanie Swan, MPH, PMP, Program Manager NGC/NQMC, Project Manager, NQMC
Lisa Haskell, MS, OTR/L, Project Manager NGC

  We comply with the HONcode standard External Web Site Policy for trustworthy health information: verify here External Web Site Policy.