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Content Development

Methods Used to Identify Guidelines for Consideration

NGC uses a range of methods to identify the most current and relevant guidelines to consider for inclusion. These include:

  • Routine audits of participating guideline developer Web sites
  • Iterative searches of the literature using resources such as:
    • PubMed, LocatorPlus, and Embase databases
    • The National Library of Medicine's Medline, HSRProj, and DIRLINE databases
    • The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL®) database
    • The American Psychological Association's PsycInfo® database
    • Directories such as ECRI Institute's Healthcare Standards Directory
    • Internet searches
  • Hand-searches of primary and secondary literature sources
  • Suggestions from NGC users (i.e., suggestions received via e-mail at

NGC Inclusion Criteria

Each guideline submitted to NGC is reviewed against the standard set of Inclusion Criteria.

Submit Your Guidelines to NGC

Guideline developers are encouraged to submit their clinical practice guidelines to NGC for consideration. See the Submit Guidelines page for more details.