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Burton Angry Obama Administration Has No Plan for Stemming the Rising Tide of Radical Islam in the Middle East

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on October 28, 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
October 28, 2011                                                                                                           (317)848-0201

Burton Angry Obama Administration Has No Plan for Stemming the Rising Tide of Radical Islam in the Middle East

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement in response to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's testimony yesterday before the Foreign Affairs Committee:

“I repeatedly warned the Obama Administration as the Arab Spring movement rapidly took hold throughout the Middle East that their lead from behind strategy was going to endanger our National Security interests in the region and threatened our ally Israel.  The Administration ignored these warnings and we are beginning to see the fruits of their hubris. There is clear and compelling evidence that the democracy movements in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya are being subverted or taken hostage by radical Islamists determined to impose religious Shariah law throughout the region. 

“To make matters worse, Secretary Clinton's deliberate attempt to evade my questions on this issue at yesterday's hearing clearly proves that the Obama Administration doesn't even have a vague idea of how to address the rising tide of radical Islamic fundamentalism.  Instead they seem to want to bury their heads in the sand and deny the problem even exists.

“The radical elements taking hold in the Middle East pose a very serious threat to the United States.  If we do not stop being timid and leading from behind we could very well be confronting two, three or four new Iran-like regimes in the near future.  President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton must get ahead of the curve, and take a proactive posture to protect these fledgling democracies from the grip of radicals. Only then can we assure that our security and the security of those who earnestly battled for their freedom are guaranteed.

“Leading from behind is no longer an option" 

Video of the exchange between Rep. Burton and Secretary of State Clinton can be viewed in the link below:



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