Indian Affairs | Planning

Fire Planning

Fire program planning encompasses a wide range of processes, applications and tools. While fire program planning primarily involves preparations for wildland fire responses, the full spectrum of fire planning supports all functional areas of fire management. They ensure credible and consistent fire planning processes and products are available to support the goals and objectives for fire and resource management. 

Fire Planning Links

Planning Data

Fire Program Analysis (FPA)

This Tool provides managers with a common interagency process for fire management planning. It evaluates the effectiveness of alternative fire management strategies through time.

Fire Program Workload Shares

The Fire Program Workload Shares Assessment (WA) is a tool developed by the BIA-NIFC Planning Section to support preparedness budget distribution from the Regional Offices to the field units.

Fire Program Complexity

Each field-level unit within the Bureau has a fire program complexity rating.

Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS)

WFDSS is a tool for fire managers and analysts in making strategic and tactical decisions for fire incidents. WFDSS integrates the various applications used to manage incidents into a single system, which streamlines the analysis and reporting processes.