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The Media Work Plan

Why do we need a Media Work Plan?

  1. To aid and direct the planner in developing strategically sound media plans that agree with the marketing and advertising goals.
  2. Explains to the client and obtains client involvement and agreement on the objectives and issues that will impact on the media plan.

What is a Media Work Plan?

It is:
  • A document which identifies the marketing conditions that impact on the formulation ofmedia strategy
  • Identifies media strategies that best can accomplish the marketing objectives
  • Describes execution recommended for fulfillment of the media strategy

How is a Media Work Plan Set Up?

 It is structured in a logical progression:
  1. Marketing Background
  2. Strategic Decision Summary
  3. Execution

What information is required to construct a Media Work Plan?

  • Working media budget
  • Target audience (Segmented by primary, secondary, etc., if possible)
  • Seasonality/Scheduling/Flight requirements
  • Geographic definition (Markets should be ranked in priority order)
  • Key marketing objective

Other factors deemed relevant to planning

  • Media Strategy & Execution
  • These elements should be part of the plan –
  • Target audience
  • Flight dates
  • Geographic definition
  • Mediums considered/recommended and rationale
  • Weight levels by market
  • Recommended networks/programming/formats
  • Describe advertising units (:10, :30, bulletin, banner size, etc.)