
Looking for Earth Day Materials?
While FEMP will not produce Earth Day materials for 2012, past campaign materials are still available for Federal agencies to leverage.

FEMP outreach and awareness campaigns cover energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water efficiency through a wide variety of activities and resources. These efforts provide ideas, materials, and encouragement to all Federal agencies striving to save energy and lead by example.

FEMP outreach activities and resources include:

  • Award Programs: Annual awards include the Federal Energy and Water Management, Better Buildings Federal Award, Presidential Awards for Leadership in Federal Energy Management, and Department of Energy (DOE) Sustainability programs.

  • Energy Action Month: Observed in October of each year, FEMP Energy Awareness Month themes and campaign materials encourage Federal agencies to lead by example in energy management activities.

  • Commit to Efficiency Campaign: The Commit to Efficiency campaign allows those involved in Federal purchases to commit to buying energy-efficient products. By taking the pledge and participating in the campaign, you commit that the products you help buy, choose, and specify are energy-efficient.

  • You Have the Power Campaigns: Awareness campaigns and materials created to honor, inspire, and encourage Federal energy leadership and projects.

  • FEMP Focus: Housed in the News and Events section, the FEMP Focus newsletter showcases Federal energy management issues, resources, and successes.

Federal agencies can also create their own awareness campaigns using You Have the Power materials and resources provided by FEMP.