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December 21, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Is Prepared to Help U.S. Exporters Tap Fast-Growing India Market

November 29, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Announces FY2008 Advisory Committee Members

November 29, 2007
New Members Named to Ex-Im Bank Sub-Saharan Africa Advisory Committee

November 13, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Director Optimistic about Nigeria's Economic Progress, Expresses Readiness to Expand Support of U.S. Exports to Nigeria

November 6, 2007
Two Individuals Charged in $16 Million Scheme to Defraud the Export-Import Bank of the United States

October 17, 2007
Growing China Commercial Presence in Africa, and U.S. Absence, Presents New Challenges

October 16, 2007
Pennsylvania Workers in Erie, Grove City, Benefit from Sale Of Environmentally Friendly Locomotives to Mexico

October 11, 2007
Eight Charged in $80 Million Conspiracy to Commit Fraud Against the Export-Import Bank of the United States

October 9, 2007
Signing of $1.23 Billion Ex-Im Bank Loan Guarantee Signals Growing Importance of Indian Market

September 27, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Extends Offer of Reduced Exposure Fee Through December 2010 for Buyers in Countries Implementing the Cape Town Treaty

September 21, 2007
Ex-Im Bank To Sponsor Environmental Exporters Conference in San Pedro, Calif., on October 16, 2007

August 24, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Stands Ready to Support Vietnam's Infrastructure Development, Chairman Lambright Tells Vietnamese Prime Minister Dung

August 15, 2007
Exporter Sentenced to Over 2 Years in Scheme that Caused Over $7 Million in Losses to the Export-Import Bank of the United States

August 9, 2007
California Small Business Uses Ex-Im Bank Working Capital Guarantee To Export Its Metals-Processing Equipment to China

July 19, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Backs U.S. Sale of Oil Drilling Technology to Nigeria

July 11, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Extends Offer of 15-Year Repayment Terms to Support U.S. Exports for Renewable Energy and Water Projects

July 10, 2007
Los Angeles Small Businesses to Reap New Export Finance Benefits as L.A. Area Chamber of Commerce Becomes Ex-Im Bank City-State Partner

June 20, 2007
LeTourneau Technologies Inc. Delivers Offshore Oil-Drilling Rig to Perforadora Central Group in Mexico, Backed by Ex-Im Bank Financing

June 11, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Renews and Expands Nigerian Bank Facility to $405 Million

June 11, 2007
U.S. Exporters Urged to Aggressively Market to Sub-Saharan Africa

June 5, 2007
U.S. Small Business Sells Oil Storage and Pipeline Equipment to Ghana Backed by Ex-Im Bank $109.5 Million Guarantee

May 24, 2007
Utah Businesses to Benefit from Assistance with Ex-Im Bank Financing as Miller Global Business Center Becomes Ex-Im Bank City/State Partner

May 21, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Announces Support for New U.S. Exports to China

May 17, 2007
Ex-Im Bank $610 Million Loan Guarantee Supports Expansion of Chartered's Fab 7 Semiconductor Facility in Singapore

May 16, 2007
U.S. Exports to India for $6 Billion Refinery and Petrochemical Complex Are Backed by Ex-Im Bank $500 Million Loan Guarantee

April 4, 2007
American General Supplies Ins., Gaithersburg, MD., is Named EX-IM Bank's Small Business Exporter of Year for Sub-Saharan Africa

April 4, 2007
Export Insurance Services of Augusta, GA., is Named EX-IM Bank's Small Business Broker of the Year

April 4, 2007
Grupo Santander is Named EX-IM Bank's Small Business International Lender of the Year

April 4, 2007
JPMorgan Chase Bank is Named EX-IM Bank's Small Business Lender of the Year

April 4, 2007
Omega Environmental Technologies of Dallas, Tex., is Named EX-IM Bank's Small Business Exporter of the Year

April 4, 2007
The Robbins Company of Solon, Ohio, is Named EX-IM Bank's Small Business Environmental Project Exporter of the Year

March 30, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Extends Offer of Reduced Exposure Fee Through September 2007 for Buyers in Countries Implementing the Cape Town Treaty

March 23, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Annual Conference April 12-13, 2007 to Offer U.S. Exporters Details on Upcoming Projects Around World

March 16, 2007
Ex-Im Bank Roundtable Promotes U.S. Exports to the Dynamic Nigerian Market

February 16, 2007
Exporters to Learn Details of Multi-Billion Dollar African Infrastructure Projects, Hear from U.S. Trade Rep, China Eximbank President, at April Conference in D.C.

February 2, 2007
U.S. Small Businesses Add Jobs, Win New Market with Fire Truck Sale to Turkey, Backed by $39 Million Ex-Im Bank Guarantee

January 9, 2007
New Members Named to Ex-Im Bank Sub-Saharan Africa Advisory Committee

January 5, 2007
Export-Import Bank Chairman Lambright to Promote Increased U.S. Export Financing at Africa Trade Event

Jobs Through Exports




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