
Latest from USIP on Education

  • October 2, 2012   |   Course

    Learn how to build the capacity of law enforcement actors and institutions to provide civilian-led security to the population, including how to assess capacity, identify the appropriate police structure to respond to specific issues, and transfer knowledge to police actors, from the ministry to the local station.

  • September 17, 2012   |   Course

    Learn how to formulate economic instruments within a strategic framework for economic development in vulnerable and conflict-affected states, using case studies and simulations set in Kosovo, Haiti, and Sudan.

  • August 1, 2012   |   Publication

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton this week left for a tour of Africa, including a visit to the world’s newest nation of South Sudan. USIP is providing seed funding and advisory support for the Sudd Institute, a new nongovernmental policy institute based in Juba. By helping to build South Sudan's capacity to develop and implement smart policies, USIP is fostering the new nation's ability to address the sort of instability and conflicts that have plagued other states in transition and led to deeper, more costly international involvement.

  • July 30, 2012   |   Publication

    The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) is providing seed funding and advisory support for the Sudd Institute, a new, nongovernmental policy institute based in Juba, South Sudan. Abraham Awolich, a South Sudanese specialist in public administration with experience in development and governance issues and the acting executive director of the Sudd Institute sat down with USIP.

  • July 27, 2012   |   Publication

    Preparing high-level advisers to support reform of postconflict states requires specific training in how to transfer knowledge in a complex, alien environment, how to operate without formal authority, and how to cultivate local ownership.

  • July 13, 2012   |   Publication

    On July 9, 43 second-year "Seeds" in their mid-to-late teens visited USIP for a briefing on the Institute’s work and to experience some of the content of the Institute’s Global Peacebuilding Center.

  • July 10, 2012   |   Publication

    USIP trained hundreds of African peacekeepers in seven nations this year in how to negotiate and mediate the peace.

  • July 9, 2012   |   Course

    Understand the causes of conflict and violent extremism in tribal Muslim societies and learn how to develop policies and programs in conflict resolution, governance, justice, security, and development that contribute to sustainable peace.

  • June 25, 2012   |   Publication

    National winners were announced by Dr. Richard Solomon, president of USIP, at the conclusion of a week-long program for the individual state winners in Washington, DC.

  • June 22, 2012   |   News Releases

    High school students from the District of Columbia, Minnesota, and Arizona took top honors in the 25th annual National Peace Essay Contest, sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace. 

  • May 21, 2012   |   Course

    Explore the importance of public health in fragile and conflict-affected states and understand how equal access to good health care is a critical component of post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding.

  • May 11, 2012   |   Publication

    Peacebuilding is increasingly viewed as a methodological “lens” through which practitioners in related fields integrate key principles of peacebuilding into the structure and objectives of their work, according to new research unveiled at the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) on May 11.  Such a lens adds a new dimension to the ways in which practitioners design and assess development and stabilization interventions.

  • May 11, 2012   |   Publication

    The U.S. government has arrived at a “breakthrough moment” in making peacebuilding and stabilization efforts in countries torn by conflict or other crises more effective and coherent, Rick Barton, the assistant secretary of state for conflict and stabilization operations, told a May 11 gathering of specialists at the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP).

  • May 11, 2012   |   Event

    On May 11, USIP hosted a series of discussions ranging from managing conflict in complex environments to lessons learned from USIP-funded projects. The sessions were part of the 2012 Alliance for Peacebuilding's Annual Conference which focused on new models for peacebuilding that works across disciplines in chaotic, fragile environments.

  • May 2, 2012   |   News Releases

    The U.S. Institute of Peace today announced the state-level winners of the National Peace Essay Contest (NPEC). Each of the 50 students received an academic scholarship for their essays on "The Impact of New Media on Peacebuilding and Conflict Management."