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President’s tax, borrow, and spend strategy has been a proven failure

Posted by Kerry Byrne on April 23, 2009

The President’s tax, borrow, and spend strategy has been a proven failure. His first 100 days have been the most expensive in history and resulted in unprecedented polarization that led to nationwide taxpayer TEA parties. It’s time for an approach that puts freedom back in the hands of the American people.

Regardless or the exorbitant spending and bailouts--all of which I did not support--bank lending is still down and the housing market has yet to recover,  and we are hemorrhaging jobs.  I am focused on restoring economic growth and that starts with putting more money in the people’s pockets through less burdensome taxes and less spending.  The only resolution that has not been tried is the conservative approach—limited bureaucracy, lower taxes, and responsible regulatory structures.

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