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Expanded health plan OK'd

The Indianapolis Star details the bill to expand health care for children.  Representative Dan Burton and other Republicans take a practical monetary stance on the issue.

The House voted Wednesday to expand government-sponsored health care to 4 million more children of working families, making a down payment on President-elect Barack Obama's promise to provide universal health care to all Americans who want it.

The bill, passed 289-139 -- Hoosier lawmakers voted on party lines, with Democrats backing the measure -- would increase federal taxes on cigarettes by 61 cents to a dollar a pack to pay the $32.3 billion cost of expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program for the next 41/2 years.

Republicans noted that an estimated 2.4 million children currently with private coverage would end up in the program.

They also objected to the additional spending.

"The kids will have to pay through the nose for the things we are doing today," said Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind. "We don't have the money to do all these things."

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