Indian Affairs | Fire Safety


Public and firefighter safety is our high test priority in the wildland fire community. Every aspect of the numerous disciplines within fire management has many safety considerations to account for before, during and after an emergency. Providing the best training, tools and skills to keep the field in top-notch condition is what Safety and Health specialists strive to achieve.

Safety Resources                                           Emergency Planning

NIFC Safety Toolbox
6 Minutes for Safety
Submit a Safenet
Safety Alerts
Incident Emergency Medical Website
Work Capacity Test Brochure
10 Standard orders and 18 Watchout Situations

Agency Administrator's Guide to Critical Incident Management
Emergency Notification Form
Sample Emergency Notification Organization Chart
Operational Safety Briefing Guide Template
Incident Emergency Plan
ICS 206 Medical Plan
IRPG Emergency Medical Planning Insert (pg. 49)
Accident Investigation Resources

Fitness Training Resources                     

Initiatives and Resources

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Other Safety Links