Abortion Ban Bill Vote a Historic Victory

The D.C. post-20-week abortion ban bill marks the first time in United States history that a standalone bill has come to the floor to deny the residents of the Nation's Capital the same constitutional rights as other Americans.  Those behind this bill have picked on the District to get a phony federal imprimatur on a bill that targets Roe v. Wade.  In the process, they have picked a fight they do not want and cannot win with pro-choice America. Bills based on pain or principle would not target only one city that has no vote on the bill. Women have pulled the cover from a bill with a D.C. label because they know an attack on their reproductive health when they see it.

Republicans have taken the gloves off. No longer can anyone doubt that the war on women is on, even when it is, by proxy, as with this bill, infiltrating the Susan G. Komen for the Cure to stop Planned Parenthood from funding breast cancer screening and other women’s health activities, defunding Planned Parenthood, and taking away contraceptives in insurance policies. All of these battles have failed.

Now, thanks to pro-choice America, the D.C. post-20-week abortion ban that threatened the reproductive health of American women has also failed.