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Title 10 United States Code (USC) §2005, "Advanced Education Assistance: Active Duty Agreement," January 3, 2012. This legislation provides the branches of Service the authority to require, as a condition to providing educational assistance (such as paying for off-duty education expenses), that Service members agree to remain on active duty for a period of time.

Title 10 USC §2007, "Payment of Tuition Assistance for Off-Duty Training or Education," January 3, 2012.  This legislation authorizes the Department of Defense (DoD) to pay all or a portion of a service member's tuition or other expenses related to education or training completed during the Service member's off-duty periods. 

Title 10 USC Chapter 106A, "Educational Assistance for Persons Enlisting for Active Duty," January 3, 2012.  This legislation allows branches of Service to establish an educational assistance program for Service members enlisting or reenlisting.  This chapter of Title 10 contains the following nine sections: establishment of the program (10 USC §2141), eligibility requirements (10 USC §2142), amount of the benefit (10 USC §2143), subsistence allowance (10 USC §2144), adjustments to the amount of benefit and subsistence allowance (10 USC §2145), right to lump sum payment in lieu of educational assistance (10 USC §2146), right to transfer entitlement to spouse or dependent children (10 USC §2147), duration of entitlement (10 USC §2148), and applications for educational assistance (10 USC §2149).

Title 10 USC §2171, "Education Loan Repayment Program: Enlisted Members on Active Duty in Specified Military Specialties," January 3, 2012. This legislation allows the branches of Service to repay particular types of education loans in exchange for additional years of service in the military for enlisted Service members in certain specialties.

Title 10 USC §2173, "Education Loan Repayment Program: Commissioned Officers in Specified Health Professions,"  January 3, 2012. This legislation provides the Services the authority to repay education loans for health professionals in exchange for additional years of service in the military.

Title 10 USC Chapter 110, "Educational Assistance for Members Held as Captives and their Dependents," January 3, 2012. This legislation directs the branches of Service to pay education expenses for a dependent of a service member held in captive status or for the Service member held in captive status upon release.  This chapter contains the following five sections: definitions (10 USC §2181), educational assistance to dependents of captive (10 USC §2182), educational assistance to former captives (10 USC §2183), termination of assistance (10 USC §2184), and a section requiring that programs under this Chapter be consistent with programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (10 USC §2185).

Title 10 USC Chapter 1606, "Educational Assistance for Members of the Selected Reserve," January 3, 2012. This legislation directs the branches of Service to establish an educational assistance program for members of the Selected Reserve and Ready Reserve who agree to remain members of the Selected Reserve for a period of not less than six years.  This chapter of Title 10 contains the following seven sections: establishment and amount of the program (10 USC §16131), eligibility requirements (10 USC §16132), time limitation for use of entitlement (10 USC §16133), termination of assistance (10 USC §16134), failure to participate satisfactorily and penalties (10 USC §16135), administration of the program (10 USC §16136), and the requirement for a biennial report to Congress (10 USC §16137).

Title 10 USC Chapter 1607, "Educational Assistance for Reserve Component Members Supporting Contingency Operations and Certain Other Operations," January 3, 2012. This legislation provides educational assistance to members of the Reserve Component called or ordered to active service in response to a war or national emergency declared by the President or Congress.  This chapter of Title 10 contains the following six sections: purpose (10 USC §16161), educational assistance program (10 USC §16162), eligibility (10 USC §16163), time limitation for use of entitlement (10 USC §16164), termination of assistance (10 USC §16165), and administration of program (10 USC §16166).

Title 10 USC §16301, "Education Loan Repayment Program: Enlisted Members of Selected Reserve with Critical Specialties," February 1, 2010  This legislation allows branches of Service to repay education loans for enlisted members of the Selected Reserve with certain military specialties in exchange for additional years of service in the military.

Title 10 USC §16302, "Education Loan Repayment Program: Health Professions Officers Serving in Selected Reserve with Wartime Critical Medical Skill Shortages," January 3, 2012. This legislation allows the branches of Service to repay education loans for officers in the Selected Reserve in a health profession that the Secretary of Defense has determined to be needed critically in order to meet identified wartime combat medical skill shortages in exchange for additional years of service in the military.

Title 38 USC Chapter 30, "All-Volunteer Force Education Assistance Program,"January 3, 2012. This legislation details the educational assistance entitlement available to qualified veterans of the military. 

Title 38 USC Chapter 32, "Post-Vietnam Era Veterans' Educational Assistance," January 3, 2012.  This legislation provides a matching savings program for educational assistance for qualified veterans who entered the military after 31 December 1976 and before 1 July 1985. 

Title 38 USC Chapter 34, "Veterans' Educational Assistance," January 3, 2012. This legislation provides educational assistance to veterans serving on active duty after 31 January 1955 and before 1 January 1977.

Title 38 USC Chapter 35, "Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance," January 3, 2012.  This legislation provides education opportunities to children whose education would otherwise be impeded or interrupted by reason of the disability or death of a parent from a disease of injury incurred or aggravated as a result of service in the military.