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Community Support

The Joint Family Support Assistance Program supports service members and families from all Service branches and components.  The program staff collaborate with existing family support resources to augment activities and fill gaps. Services are delivered in local communities through partnerships with federal and non-federal entities.

Each state has a Joint Family Support Assistance Program support team tailored to their unique needs.  The four-member teams are composed of one Military and Family Life Counselor, one Child and Youth Behavioral Military and Family Life Counselor, one Military OneSource consultant, and one additional staff member selected by the state leadership. 

To learn more about the Joint Family Support Assistance Program, please access the following materials and links to learn how to assist service members and families.

JFSAP Partners Quick Reference Guide  Provides a basic overview to community partners about the Joint Family Support Assistance Program and directs community partners to resources for more detailed information.

Inter-Service Family Assistance Committee (ISFAC) Resource Guide  This guide was developed by the Army and is designed to orient and inform Family Program staff about how to establish and sustain state and ISFACs. The ISFAC plays a key role in assisting staff to deliver baseline services to geographically dispersed service members and families closest to where they live.

New Hampshire Deployment Cycle Support Program An example of a state providing a support to geographically dispersed military members and their families.

USDA Cooperative Extension System Office Locator

State Information

Find contact information for each state on the State Information page.

Click here to obtain a consolidated list of the State Family Program Directors.