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Public Law 108-136, "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004," §572 and 573, November 24, 2003  Under Section 572 of this legislation, payments made under the Transitional Compensation Program can begin earlier, and the duration of payments is more clearly defined.  Section 573 allows the Secretaries of the Military Departments to authorize transitional compensation benefits for individuals who would not otherwise be eligible.

Title 37 United States Code (USC) §406(h), "Travel and Transportation Allowances: Dependents; Baggage and Household Effects," January 19, 2004 Under this law, the abused spouse or parent of an abused child wishing to relocate for personal safety reasons may request shipment of household goods and a personal auto if he or she wants to leave the abusive parent or spouse.

Title 42 USC §13031, "Child Abuse Reporting," January 19, 2004  This is the Federal child abuse reporting law, outlining who is required to report suspicions of child abuse to the appropriate authorities.