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Service Regulations and Orders

Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve is not administered at the individual service branch level.  Although policy is promulgated at the DoD-level, the services have issued memorandums and other policy documents associated with employer support for the National Guard and Reserve.


Memorandum through the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and Director, Army Staff, "Volunteer Duty Beyond 24 Months for Stabilization of Individual Reserve Component Soldiers," December 2, 2003 This memorandum provides guidance clarifying that for National Guard and Reserve Soldiers to remain on active duty beyond 24 months, they must volunteer to do so. The memorandum further notes that the period of active duty beyond 24 months is exempt from the five-year cumulative service limit on reemployment rights prescribed by USERRA.

Memorandum for the Adjutant General of All States, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commanding General of the District of Columbia, "Army National Guard Support of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)," December 2, 2005 This memorandum from the National Guard Bureau urges all Adjutant Generals to support the strategic plan of the National Committee for ESGR.

Marine Corps

Marine Corps Order (MCO) 5420R.15B, "National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (NCESGR)," January 29, 1996 This Order provides an overview of the ESGR and prescribes the Commander, Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) to assign a member of the Reserve unit as representative to the local ESGR committee; provide employers with schedules of weekend drills and annual training duty; maintain liaison with employers and advise them of schedule changes; and to familiarize themselves with the National Committee’s Ombudsman Program.

Memorandum from Secretary of the Navy. "Reemployment Protections for Personnel Activated or Retained in Support of the National Emergency," March 11, 2002  This memorandum provides guidance clarifying exemption of the USERRA five year service limit for reemployment eligibility, for Reserve Navy and Marine Corps personnel ordered to or retained on active duty in support of Presidential Proclamation 7463, September 14, 2001.

Memorandum from the Commander, MARFORRES, "Marine Forces Reserve Support of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)," December 15, 2005 This memorandum from the Commander, MARFORRES, urges all commanders in the MARFORRES to support the strategic plan of the National Committee for ESGR.


Memorandum from Secretary of the Navy. "Reemployment Protections for Personnel Activated or Retained in Support of the National Emergency," March 11, 2002  This memorandum provides guidance clarifying exemption of the USERRA five year service limit for reemployment eligibility, for Reserve Navy and Marine Corps personnel ordered to or retained on active duty in support of Presidential Proclamation 7463, September 14, 2001.

Commander Naval Reserve Force (COMNAVRESFOR) Instruction 1250.2A, "Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)," November 4, 2002 This Instruction provides information on the ESGR and Naval Reserve Employer Support Program and includes sample letters to maintain a practical employer support program.

Air Force

Memorandum from Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC), "ESGR Policy," April 27 2004 This memorandum requests commanders of AFRC units to designate a unit ESGR liaison representative to be trained by their respective state ESGR committee.

Memorandum from Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), "Reemployment Protections for Activated Air Reserve Component (ARC) Members," March 31, 2008  This memorandum provides guidance on various service periods qualifying for exemption to the USERRA five-year service limit for reemployment eligibility, for Reserve Component Air Force personnel.