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Resources for Military Leaders

New parents, especially those who are distant from extended families, may feel isolated and stressed. There are numerous reliable resources available to support service members and their families. Information and assistance are available through each branch of Service, health care providers, and on the Internet.

New Parent Support Program (NPSP) Access and Location

The NPSP is part of the Family Advocacy Program (FAP). Army programs can be found within Army Community Service. The NPSP on Navy installations is within Fleet and Family Support Centers. The program is offered through the Marine Corps Community Services. On Air Force installations, NPSP can be found in the Air Force Airman and Family Readiness Center. Military medical treatment providers can provide information on the program, and some NPSPs are co-located within medical facilities. The program is often co-located with FAP.

NPSP is available to families regardless of whether they live on or off of the installation.  However, for families living away from an installation, the Internet also provides access to a variety of services and resources.

Military OneSource

Military OneSource  This site provides information and resources to help balance work and family life. Consultants are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week by phone, online, or via email offering personalized support to any service or family member. Families are entitled to up to twelve sessions per issue at no cost to them. For those unable to attend face-to-face counseling, Military OneSource arranges telephone and online consultations.

On the Military OneSource website, service members and their families can find numerous parenting resources, including articles on planning for parenthood, caring for new babies, and infant and child developmental stages. Consultants are also available by phone to help identify resources for parents in their local communities and on their installations.  To contact Military OneSource by phone, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, call Stateside at 1-800-342-9647. The Military OneSource website lists specific dialing information for other countries.

Military and Family Life Counseling Program (MFLC)

MFLCs are Masters or PhD level, licensed, and credentialed clinical providers that offer intervention and support to military members and their families.  Like Military OneSource, they provide up to twelve sessions of non-medical, short-term counseling per person, per issue for every day issues, such as anger management, stress, parenting, communication, family relationships, deployment, and other military-related topics.  The program provides anonymous, confidential counseling and life skills support at any time.  The goal of the program is to support operational readiness and family readiness.  Situations requiring mental health treatment are referred to behavioral health agencies that treat these conditions.

MFLCs are available through installation locations, such as the Army Community Services (ACS), Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS), Navy Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC), and the Airman and Family Readiness Centers (A&FRC).  MFLCs will also provide support at National Guard and Reserve Component drill weekends, mobilizations, and family events.  For information about Child and Youth Behavioral (CYB) MFLCs, contact the installation Family Center, Child Development Center, or school liaison officer.