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Department of Defense Policy

DoD Directive 6400.1, "Family Advocacy Program," August 23, 2004 This Directive establishes the Family Advocacy Program and assigns responsibilities for working to prevent family violence from occurring, identifying victims of abuse, assessing families experiencing domestic and child abuse, and providing treatment to those families.

DoD Instruction 6400.06, "Domestic Abuse Involving DoD Military and Certain Affiliated Personnel," August 21, 2007, Incorporating Change 1, September 20, 2011 This Instruction establishes, implements, and updates domestic abuse policies, and identifies and assigns responsibilities for preventing and responding to domestic abuse.  It also provide guidance for implementing the policies through a coordinated community response involving multiple offices and agencies at military installations working in coordination with the surrounding civilian community.

DoD Instruction 1342.24, "Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents," May 23, 1995, Administrative Reissuance Incorporating Change 1, January 16, 1997 This Instruction implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for payment of monthly transitional compensation to dependents of members separated for dependent abuse.

DoD 6400.1-M-1, "Manual for Child Maltreatment and Domestic Abuse Incident Reporting System", July 15, 2005 This manual prescribes procedures for completion and submission of information about substantiated and unsubstantiated reports of child maltreatment and domestic abuse incidents.

Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) Memorandum, "Duration of Payment for Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents," June 14, 2004 This Directive Type Memorandum (DTM) implements some changes to the Transitional Compensation Program mandated by the congressional legislation noted above.

Safety Plan Form, DD Form 2893, March 2005  The information on this form will be used to provide victims of domestic violence with a plan forincreasing their personal safety and to prepare victims for steps to take if further abuse or violence occurs.