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Deployment - Branch Support Services


Army Emergency Relief (AER)  AER is a private, nonprofit organization whose sole mission is to help Soldiers and their dependents. AER funds are made available to provide emergency financial assistance to Soldiers (active duty and retired) and their dependents when there is a valid need. 

Army Family Readiness Group (FRG)  The Army's FRG provides a direct link from family members to the unit commands, ensuring that family members are aware of the relevant information and resources for their unit.  Family members may use the installation FRG or the virtual FRG (vFRG), an Internet-based system that provides all the functionality of a traditional FRG but allows geographically dispersed units and family members to access information about their unit.

Army Knowledge Online  Army Knowledge Online (AKO) provides secure access to Army web assets, tools and services to Soldiers, Army employees, retirees and family members worldwide.  The Army encourages families to use this website during a service member's deployment.  This website requires a username and password to login.

Army OneSource  This website provides a number of different resources and services for Soldiers and their families.  The Managing Deployment section provides Soldiers, civilians, commanders, and family members with resources and tools designed to help prepare members of the Army family for an upcoming deployment.

Army Reserve Family Programs Mobilization/Deployment Readiness The Army Reserve's Mobilization/Deployment Readiness website provides videos, briefings, and checklists to help prepare Soldiers and their families for mobilization/deployment as well as homecoming and reunion. 

Marine Corps

Marine Corps Deployment Readiness  Marine Corps Community Services Deployment Support provides information to Marines and their family members to help them prepare for and manage extended deployments.   The website includes a deployment guide, a warrior transition brief, and information on sending mail to service members and supporting them throughout their deployments.

Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS)  The  Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society is a private, nonprofit organization that  provides financial, educational, and other assistance to Sailors, Marines, eligible family members, and survivors when in need.  Services provided include emergency financial assistance, budget counseling, visiting nurses, and emergency financial assistance to qualifying Marines in the form of a low-interest loan.


Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center (ECRC)  ECRC directly assists Individual Augmentee (IA) and GSA IA Sailors by ensuring they are properly uniformed and equipped while coordinating with the Army to ensure they get the proper stateside training. Training includes instruction in individual combat skills and specialized mission areas to help IAs succeed in their mission and keep them as safe as possible while deployed.  The website provides information about the IA deployment cycle and about family support services for IA families.

Navy Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) Deployment Readiness  The Navy's FFSC Deployment Readiness Program provides Sailors and their family members with information to help prepare for deployments, tailored specifically to pre-deployment, during deployment, and the return and reunion stages of the deployment.

Navy Individual Augmentee (IA) Program  The Navy is incorporating IA deployments into regular sea/shore duty assignment rotations.  This means Sailors may detach from their current command and be assigned to the Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center or they may remain a part of their current command and return to it when they complete their IA tour.  This website provides detailed information about individual augmentee deployments including Sailor and family member handbooks and links to other related websites.

Navy Knowledge Online  Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) is a portal used by active duty, reserve, and retired enlisted and officers of the United States Navy. The Navy encourages families to access this website during deployments.  This website requires a username and password to login.

Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS)  The  Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society is a private, nonprofit organization that  provides financial, educational, and other assistance to Sailors, Marines, eligible family members, and survivors when in need.  Services provided include emergency financial assistance, budget counseling, visiting nurses, and emergency financial assistance to qualifying Sailors in the form of a low-interest loan.

Navy Ombudsman  The Navy Ombudsman is a volunteer, appointed by the commanding officer, who serves as an information link between command leadership and Navy families. Ombudsmen are trained to disseminate information both up and down the chain of command, including official Department of the Navy and command information, command climate issues, local quality of life (QOL) improvement opportunities, and "good deals" around the community.  An ombudsman also provides resource referrals when needed and is instrumental in resolving family issues before the issues require extensive command attention.  The website provides basic information about the Navy Ombudsman program and contact information.

Navy Reserve Family Readiness  This website provides information for families of deployed or deploying Sailors, including links to benefits and entitlements information, family readiness checklists, and Navy Reserve Family Newsletters. 

Air Force

Airman and Family Readiness Flight  This is the Air Force website for Airman and Family Readiness Center (AFRC) staff (login required).  AFRCs assist individuals and families to adapt to the challenges and demands of the military community.  Previously known as family support centers, the organizations now are called Airman and Family Readiness Flights.  Traditional services, such as the Relocation and Transition Assistance Programs, personal financial management, Air Force Aid, spouse employment, and personal and family life education, remain the foundation of service delivery.

Air Force Aid Society (AFAS)  AFAS is a private, nonprofit organization that provides emergency financial assistance to Air Force members and their families, including interest-free loans, grants, or a combination of both. AFAS maintains an open door policy that encourages individuals to apply for assistance when they feel an emergency situation exists.  AFAS keeps commanders informed when a personal problem surfaces that might affect the performance of duty and mission readiness.

Air Force Community  This website provides a number of resources for service members including information related to family readiness, employment, education, family life, financial health, military readiness, relocation, and transition from military to civilian life.  The site offers links to other military and commercial sites related to these and other topics. The Readiness section provides detailed information on deployment.

Air Force Reserve Command Family Readiness  The Air Force Reserve Command Family Readiness offices assist and support families of deployed Air Force Reserve personnel. The Family Readiness offices are located within the units and provide assistance on all family-related matters to include information and referral services. Toll-free phone numbers for each of the Family Readiness offices are provided on the website.

Air National Guard Programs  The Air National Guard website lists programs designed to assist Air National Guard service members and their families, to include a link to Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.

Air National Guard Mobilization/Deployment  The National Guard's Mobilization/Deployment website provides service members and their families with information and checklists to help prepare for mobilization and deployment.

Coast Guard

Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA)  CGMA is a private, nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to members of the Coast Guard community during times of need.  CGMA provides for persons associated with the Coast Guard, who demonstrate a financial need, through interest-free loans, personal grants, and confidential financial counseling and referral services.

Coast Guard Ombudsman  Coast Guard Ombudsmen are appointed by their respective commands to support command policy and efficiently work with command and the active duty Coast Guard service members and their families.