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Armed Forces Recreation Society (AFRS)  The AFRS is a branch of NRPA that works to advance parks, recreation, and environmental conservation efforts to improve the quality of life of service members and their families around the world.


GovArm  GovArm is a government and armed forces travel cooperative that provides leisure and vacation services for civilian employees, government employees (federal, state, local government), members of the military Services, retired civilian government employees, retired military personnel, and adult dependents of government civilians (retired or active) and military personnel (retired or active).

MilitaryINSTALLATIONS This resource, available on MilitaryHOMEFRONT, provides contact information for programs and services, maps and directions, links to comprehensive location overviews, and community points of interest for military installations worldwide.

National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA)  The NRPA serves as the advocate for parks, recreation, and environmental conservatism by promoting public awareness and support for recreation/park and leisure services; facilitating development, maintenance, expansion, and improvement of public policy that supports recreation/parks and leisure services; enhancing the professionalism of recreation and tourism professionals; and promoting the development and dissemination of recreation/park and leisure services information for recreation professionals. is part of a one-stop website providing campground / tour reservation services and trip planning information for federal recreation sites. As part of the Recreation One-Stop E-Government initiative, the site consolidated,, and, into a single point of access for information on thousands of federal recreation opportunities.

Sportslink  This is the official Department of Defense Sports website.  The goal of the website is to provide information and results on sports program and championships, provide for the direct exchange of information between the Services sports professionals and military athletes throughout DoD, and be a portal page for potential military personnel to explore the world of Armed Forces Sport.