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American Legion Posts

Your post is the foundation of The American Legion.  Legionnaires have the experience, knowledge, and leadership ability to accomplish our mission to assist our men and women in uniform.  By utilizing your military training and civilian experiences, our communities can provide ease to the transition back to the hometowns for our wounded warriors.  As long as America has its armed services, The American Legion will be there for them.  Your relationship with the community can serve as a basis for public coalition of government, civic, and business professionals to respond to any specific need of military families.  The American Legion post Hero Transition Team (HTT) can provide the leadership to coordinate community outreach and support to our returning veterans. 

Individuals to include in your HTT should be chaplains, vice commanders, post service officers, a public relations officer, and representatives from the auxiliary and son's of The American Legion.  Depending of the size and location of your post your HTT members are encouraged to coordinate their efforts with other posts and meet many of the immediate needs of returning veterans and their families.  Once your HTT is established notify your department.  The department adjutant can connect your HTT with other resources within your state.