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Information about the DoD Impact Aid Program
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Applications and Forms

DoD Supplement to Impact Aid Program

The Department of Defense (DoD) Supplement to Impact Aid Program is authorized pursuant to Section 386 of Public Law 102-484, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year (FY) 1993, codified at Title 20 U.S.C. 7703 notes.

Funding eligibility for this program is determined from information provided to the US Department of Education (ED) by local education agencies (LEAs) on their Federal Impact Aid forms. Eligible LEAs receive notification from the Department of Defense (DoD) no later than June 30 informing them of the amount and the estimated date that they can expect receipt of funds. Prior to June, DoD will distribute eligibility funding information letters to the respective LEAs. A signed Standard Form 3881 Automated Clearing House (ACH) Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form, will be requested of eligible LEAs to transfer funds electronically from DoD to the recipients.

DoD Impact Aid for Children with Severe Disabilities Program

The DoD Impact Aid for Children with Severe Disabilities Program is authorized pursuant to Section 363 of Public Law 106-398, the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001, codified at 20 U.S.C. 7703a. This program was established to make payments, when appropriated, to LEAs that provide special education and related services to military dependent children with severe disabilities that meet certain cost criteria.

LEAs that have certified to the US Department of Education that they provide special education or related services to at least two military dependent children with disabilities will be invited to apply for DoD Impact Aid Funding for Children with Severe Disabilities. Contacted LEAs should review the application, guidance, and their special education costs for at least two military dependent children with severe disabilities to determine if they are eligible to receive funds.

The application for the DoD Impact Aid for Children with Severe Disabilities are the following DoD Secretary of Defense (SD) Forms:

  • SD Form 816: Application for Impact Aid for Children with Severe Disabilities
  • SD Form 816C: Continuation Sheet for Application for Impact Aid for Children with Severe Disabilities

Office of Management and Budget, Grants Management Forms

For LEAs that receive DoD grants, the following link provides forms that you may be required to complete.

The Office of Management and Budget, Grants Management Forms:

  • SF 269 – Financial Status Report (Long Form)
  • SF 270 – Request for Advance or Reimbursement
  • SF 271 – Outlay Report and Request for Reimbursement for Construction Programs
  • SF 272 – Federal Cash Transactions Report
  • SF 272A – Federal Cash Transactions Report (Continuation)