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The military is committed to taking care of its own. There are numerous resources available to support troops and their families throughout deployment. Information and assistance is available from each branch of the military, Department of Defense organizations, nonprofit community organizations, books and magazine articles, and the Internet.

The most reliable deployment resources can be accessed through the Service branches and military organizations. Most deployment programs and services are offered by an individual unit or command, or through the family support center.

DoD has created a Deployment Guide. This guide is intended to help service members and their families prepare for deployment, serve as a resource during the deployment, and help navigate the challenges of a service member's return and reintegration after the deployment.  Information presented in the guide applies to deploying service members of all branches and Services and their families.  The guide is not intended to be printed in its entirety but to be used as an interactive resource.

The Internet has numerous websites relating to military deployments. Although most are reliable, some may have outdated or inaccurate information. Government (.gov), military (.mil), educational (.edu), and organization (.org) websites are generally more reliable than commercial (.com) resources. If unsure of the information found on the Internet, check with the command or family support center.