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Tuesday, September 11, 2012 Contact: Jen Talaber 202.225.2931
Honoring our fallen on September 11
Today we remember the nearly three thousand lives lost in the attacks of September 11th. On Patriots Day, we also honor the servicemen and women who have paid the ultimate price in the war on terror. We will never be able to fully honor their sacrifice in the defense of our freedoms.

In the eleven years since the devastation of that day, our anger and sadness have turned to unfaltering resolve and determination. On that terrible day, 19 terrorists believed they would bring America to its knees. They believed our nation and our people could be defeated by a cowardly attack. They were wrong.

Today, America is a brighter beacon of freedom than she ever has been. We remain a nation inspired by the sacrifices of those before us and committed to the ideals they fought so dearly to protect. We will never forget the loved ones and the heroes lost on that day.

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