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Court Forms by Category

  • print
  • FAQs
  • Attorney Forms
AO 458 Appearance of Counsel
AO 136 Certificate of Good Standing [District Court]
AO 136A Certificate of Good Standing [Court of Appeals]
AO 153 Attorney Oath on Admission
AO 154 Substitution of Attorney
  • Civil Forms
JS 044 Civil Cover Sheet (CM/ECF Version 5.0.3 and earlier, use 12/2007 edition)
JS 044 Civil Cover Sheet (CM/ECF Version 5.1.1 and later, use 09/2011 edition)

Fee Waiver Application Forms
AO 239 Application to Proceed in District Court Without Prepaying Fees or Costs (Long Form)
AO 240 Application to Proceed in District Court Without Prepaying Fees or Costs (Short Form)
AO 240A Order to Proceed Without Prepaying Fees or Costs

Notice of Lawsuit, Summons, Subpoena
AO 088 Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action
AO 088A Subpoena to Testify at a Deposition in a Civil Action
AO 088B Subpoena to Produce Documents, Information, or Objects or to Permit Inspection of Premises in a Civil Action
AO 398 Notice of a Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons
AO 399 Waiver of the Service of Summons
AO 440 Summons in a Civil Action
AO 441 Summons on Third-Party Complaint

Civil Judgment Forms
AO 450 Judgment in a Civil Case
AO 451 Clerk's Certification of a Judgment to be Registered in Another District

Other Civil Forms
AO 085 Notice, Consent, and Reference of a Civil Action to a Magistrate Judge
AO 085A Notice, Consent, and Reference of a Dispositive Motion to a Magistrate Judge
AO 242 Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus Under 28 U.S.C. § 2241
AO 445 Warrant for the Arrest of a Witness in a Civil Case
  • Court Reporter Forms
AO 035
Certificate of Official Court Reporter 
AO 037 Expense Ledger
AO 038 Attendance Ledger
AO 039 Transcript Orders and Collections Ledger
AO 040A Attendance and Transcripts of United States Court Reporters
AO 040B Statement of Earnings of United States Court Reporters
AO 044 Invoice
  • Criminal Forms
Defendant Consent and Waiver Forms
AO 086A Consent to Proceed Before a Magistrate Judge in a Misdemeanor Case
AO 455 Waiver of an Indictment
AO 466 Waiver of Rule 32.1 Hearing (Violation of Probation or Supervised Release)
AO 466A Waiver of Rule 5 & 5.1 Hearings (Complaint or Indictment)
AO 468 Waiver of a Preliminary Hearing

Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 083 Summons in a Criminal Case
AO 091 Criminal Complaint
AO 093 Search and Seizure Warrant
AO 093A Search and Seizure Warrant on Oral Testimony
AO 094 Commitment to Another District
AO 102 Application for a Tracking Warrant
AO 103 Order Requiring Assistance in Executing a Tracking Warrant (Under Seal)
AO 104 Tracking Warrant
AO 106 Application for a Search Warrant
AO 108 Application for a Warrant to Seize Property Subject to Forfeiture
AO 109 Warrant to Seize Property Subject to Forfeiture
AO 110 Subpoena to Testify Before Grand Jury
AO 190 Record of the Number of Grand Jurors Concurring in an Indictment
AO 191 Report of a Grand Jury's Failure to Concur in an Indictment
AO 442 Arrest Warrant
AO 443 Warrant for the Arrest of a Witness or Material Witness in a Pending Criminal Case
AO 467 Order Requiring a Defendant to Appear in the District Where Charges are Pending and Transferring Bail
AO 470 Order Scheduling a Detention Hearing
AO 471 Order to Detain a Defendant Temporarily Under 18 U.S.C. § 3142(d)
AO 472 Order of Detention Pending Trial

Pretrial Release and Appearance Bond Forms
AO 098 Appearance Bond
AO 099 Appearance Bond of Witness
AO 199A Order Setting Conditions of Release
AO 199B Additional Conditions of Release
AO 199C Advice of Penalties/Acknowledgment
AO 467 Order Requiring a Defendant to Appear in the District Where Charges are Pending and Transferring Bail

Pretrial Detention Forms
AO 470 Order Scheduling a Detention Hearing
AO 471 Order to Detain a Defendant Temporarily Under 18 U.S.C. § 3142(d)
AO 472 Order of Detention Pending Trial

Subpoena Forms
AO 089 Subpoena to Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Criminal Case
AO 090 Subpoena to Testify at a Deposition in a Criminal Case
AO 110 Subpoena to Testify Before a Grand Jury

Presentence and Probation Forms
AO 246 Probation Order Under 18 U.S.C. § 3607
AO 246B Order for a Presentence Investigation and Report

Criminal Judgment Forms
AO 245B Judgment in a Criminal Case
AO 245C Amended Judgment in Criminal Case
AO 245D Judgment in a Criminal Case (For Revocation of Probation or Supervised Release)
AO 245E Judgment in a Criminal Case (For Organizational Defendants)

Expungement and Benefit Reinstatement Forms
AO 246A Order of Discharge and Dismissal Under 18 U. S. C. § 3607(a)
AO 249 Drug Offender's Reinstatement of Federal Benefits

Habeas Corpus Petitions
AO 241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Under 28 U.S.C. § 2254
AO 242 Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus Under 28 U.S.C. § 2241
AO 243 Motion to Vacate/Set Aside Sentence (Motion Under 28 U.S.C. § 2255)
  • CJA Forms & Instructions

CJA-0020 Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel
CJA-0021 Authorization and Voucher for Expert and Other Services
CJA-0024 Authorization and Voucher for Payment of Transcript
CJA-0030 Death Penalty Proceedings: Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel
CJA-0031 Death Penalty Proceedings: Ex Parte Request for Authorization and Voucher for Expert and Other Services

Attorney Excess Compensation Claims
CJA-0026 Statement for a Compensation Claim in Excess of the Statutory Case Compensation Maximum: District Court
CJA-0026A Guidance to Attorneys in Drafting the Memorandum for a Claim in Excess of the Case Compensation Maximum: District Court
CJA-0027 Compensation Claim in Excess of the Statutory Case Compensation Maximum: Court of Appeals
CJA-0027A Guidance to Attorneys in Drafting the Memorandum for a Claim in Excess of the Case Compensation Maximum: Court of Appeals

Budgeting Worksheets
CJA-0028A Attorney Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost
CJA-0028B Attorney Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost
CJA-0028C Investigative Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost
CJA-0028D Investigative Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost
CJA-0028E Expert Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost
CJA-0028F Expert Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost
CJA-0028G Other Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost
CJA-0028H Other Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost

Other CJA Forms
CJA-0007 Order Terminating Appointment of Counsel and/or Authorization for Distribution of Available Private Funds
CJA-0019 Notice to Court-Appointed Counsel of Public Disclosure of Attorney Fee Information
CJA-0022 Statement of Parolee or Mandatory Releasee Concerning Appointment of Counsel Under the Criminal Justice Act
CJA-0023 Financial Affidavit
CJA-0025 Notice to CJA Panel Attorney Regarding Availability of Investigative, Expert and Other Services
  • Human Resources Forms
AO 078 Application for Judicial Branch Federal Employment [not used for AO employment]
AO 425 Pre-Employment Information
  • Jury Forms
AO 205 Summons to Appear to Complete Juror Qualification Form
AO 223 Notice of Excuse [Jury]
AO 224 Request for Excuse [Jury]
AO 229(S) Supplemental Juror Information
F-15467 Juror Qualification Questionnaire [available only through JMS sub-contractor Scantron]
  • Other Forms
AO 010A Financial Disclosure Report Request
AO 030 Certified Copy
AO 041A Ledger
AO 120 Report on Filing Patent/Trademark
AO 121 Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action or appeal Regarding a Copyright
AO 132 Exemplification Certificate
AO 133 Bill of Costs
AO 145 Notice of Entry - Orders/Judgment
AO 187 Exhibit and Witness List
AO 187A Exhibit and Witness List (Cont.)
AO 310 Complaint of Judicial Misconduct or Disability
AO 390 Apostille (Convention de La Haye, 5 Octobre 1961)
AO 391 Apostille Specimen Signature Card
AO 392 Apostille Index Card
AO 393 Statement of Effect Apostille
AO 430 Case Information Record
AO 431 Log of Proceedings Electronic Recorded
AO 432 Witness and Exhibit Record
AO 435 Transcript Order
AO 436 CD/Tape Order
AO 447 List of Proceedings Electronically Recorded
AO 500 Taxation for Commuting in Government Leased Vehicle
WT-1 Annual Prosecutor Summary of Wiretap Reports
WT-2 Report of Application and/or Order Authorizing Interception of Communications
WT-3 Supplementary Report for Wiretaps Reported in Previous Calendar Years