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Why We Must Fight This Health Care Bill

Posted by John Donnelly on March 19, 2010

Why We Must Fight This Health Care Bill


For over a year, I’ve been fighting the government-run health care policy that President Obama and Congressional Democrats have sought to impose on America.  However, as conservatives in America made our case to the public and won enough support to stop the policy, we have seen Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others subvert the process and undermine the rule of law to impose their will.

Yesterday, 222 Democrats in the House voted to allow the use of an unconstitutional legislative trick known as the Slaughter Solution. This trick allows Nancy Pelosi to “deem” the Senate health care bill passed out of the House without actually having members of Congress vote on the bill.  I thought I had seen the worst abuse of power when the Democrat leaders in the Senate began buying votes to pass their bill, but if Nancy Pelosi successfully ducks a vote in her bid to provide political cover for vulnerable House Democrats, she will have undermined the democratic process, the integrity of the Congress, and trampled on the Constitution.

As the 72 hour clock ticks down to Sunday’s final vote, it is important to remember why the House wants to avoid voting on the Senate bill.  The special deals that were made during the Senate vote sale on Christmas Eve 2009 included, but are not limited to, the infamous Cornhusker Kickback and Louisiana Purchase, and less known deals like cash for union health care, fee exemptions to politically connected insurers, and longshoreman becoming exempt from the health care tax—all secret backroom deals given to Senators willing to sell their vote on so-called health care reform.

And the secret sweetheart deal-making continues even now in the eleventh hour.  In the last week, we discovered that the health care reform bill suddenly includes a government-takeover of the student loan industry, which threatens the jobs of thousands of Hoosiers employed by Sallie Mae.  To add to this onion of corruption, a single bank in North Dakota will be exempt from the provisions of the student loan takeover—North Dakota’s lone Member of Congress has long been undecided on how to vote on Obamacare.  They call this one the Bismarck Bank Job.

Who pays for all the horse-trading?  At a cost of over $1 trillion in deficit spending, $569 billion in job-killing tax increases, and $523.5 billion in Medicare cuts, it’s Hoosiers in the 5th Congressional District, taxpayers across the country, seniors, and future generations who will be forced to pay through taxes, job-loss, and debt-induced inflation for a government takeover of health care and student loans.

I know millions of Americans are waging a war against this bill with phone calls, letters, and emails to Congress.  As you continue to fight, I recommend arming yourself with the following facts about this bill:

•    The new version released yesterday has over $1 trillion in new entitlement spending, $65 billion more than the Senate-passed bill

•    Hits the American people with over half-a-trillion in tax hikes

•    Uses Medicare as a piggy bank – nearly half-a-trillion in Medicare cuts to pay for the new entitlements

•    Allows federal funds to pay for elective abortions and denies adequate conscience protection to individuals and institutions

•    Mandates a massive expansion of Medicaid, and 500,000 Hoosiers would become newly eligible, costing Hoosier taxpayers billions more in state taxes, and causing one in four Hoosiers to be on public assistance

•    The Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) would be eliminated as the new federal rules would force the 45,000 families who are currently covered into the Medicaid fee-for-service delivery model

•    Many Hoosiers who currently have health insurance will pay higher premiums – the Congressional Budget Office estimates an average increase nationally of $2,100 for some families, and a study of the effects in Indiana showed premium increases ranging up to 78%

•    A job killing tax of $2,000 per employee will be levied on many companies which cannot afford or choose not to provide health insurance to their employees

The American people don’t want this, and you deserve better than this.  While this bill might pass on Sunday, I promise my fellow Hoosiers that I will be fighting for liberty and constitutional government, and to kill these government-takeovers now, and in the future.


Dan Burton


Carol Gwynne-Vaughan - March 19, 2010

• " Allows federal funds to pay for elective abortions and ..." I don't believe this is true and I don't know how you can put this in print and attach your name to this . Am I to belive that a majority of the Congress, the President, the Catholic Church, Catholic Hospital Assc., Catholic Nuns groups, social service agencies, medical groups, numerous non-partisan pro-life groups, fact check groups, etc. are lying? My understanding and probablythe understanding of those members in the groups above, is that this bill follows the Hyde Amendment which prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or the mother's life is threatened. I have read both the House and Senate bills and have not seen the statement that federal funds will be used for elective abortions. Could you please tell me where this is written. Thank you.

Cheryl L. Pearson - March 19, 2010

Dear Rep. Dan Burton: I am a 49 year old small business owner. I worked more than 25 years in corporate positions in both non-profit and for-profit enterprises. I am college educated, I put myself through graduate school while working full time, I earned additional professional credentials, and I put off starting a family -- all in the name of becoming a responsible, productive member of society. In this struggling economy, my business has suffered greatly. However, I chose to make personal sacrifices in order to keep my staff employed. I do not take a salary from my business, and I took on a part time job in order to help fund my small business. I am outraged over the state of this upcoming vote, and I find it unconscionable that the US House of Representatives finds itself so close to voting for a health care bill that disparages all that I have worked for. I believe in helping those who cannot care for themselves. However, this new administration seems to believe that this great nation will be better served if the workhorses are required to take care of those who choose not to take care of themselves. This nation is facing a very unfortunate tipping point. I am beginning to believe that the best solution for my family is to live as simply as possible, to save rather than spend, and to work less. It's time to give up the prosperous lifestyle and the need to work hard to support it. I believe that it makes more sense to work and invest in such a way as to reduce our overall tax burden. I believe that more and more of the true workhorses will adapt this change in lifestyle as well. Let's see how that helps to stimulate the economy. I also express concern in the plan to enact student loan reform through the budget reconciliation process -- hidden in the health care reform bill. This expedited process won't allow a careful examination of critical issues in the $100 billion-a-year federal student loan program. There hasn't been one hearing or even a bill introduced in the U.S. Senate. The proposed legislation will eliminate federal support for the critical services that private sector student loan organizations provide to help students, families and colleges, with the result that more students could end up in default on their student loans. Student loan defaults already represent the largest single cost of the federal student loan program. I urge Congress to give important student loan reforms the careful consideration they deserve by addressing this legislation in a thorough and thoughtful manner. Students and families deserve better. At a minimum, please ask the appropriate questions and understand this single issue: Because of the elimination of the private sector in the lending process for federal student loans, the Federal Government will be required to finance one trillion dollars over the next 10 years to meet the lending needs of our future students. How do they plan to finance this commitment? I ask that Congress find a way to reward those who got it right. Let's reward those who pay their mortgages on time, meet their personal responsibilities, work hard and make a difference. Don't punish the workhorses. And please don't allow the system to merge two very important yet unrelated issues into a single bill that most of Congress does not fully understand. I thank you for your stance on the current health care bill. Cheryl L. Pearson Fishers, Indiana

Ingrid V. Coyle - March 19, 2010

THANK YOU Dan Burton for echoing our sentiments & those of many across America. Your legacy includes doing what is right & what makes sense. We are terribly dismayed over being betrayed by those supporting the health care debacle who took an oath to protect & defend, yet blatantly disregard our Constitution & will of the People. (*Inviting you Google Whitley Co. Patriots)

Judy Bennett - March 20, 2010

Thank you for standing firm against this horrible health care bill. Trust me, the voters of Indiana will remember how you voted. This is all anyone is talking about and how they will "vote out" anyone who votes for this terrible bill.

Allison Lewis - March 20, 2010

Mr. Burton- If you succeed at killing the current proposal on healthcare reform, are you going to immediately lead an effort to develop an alternative healthcare reform bill you can support? Will you work to prevent the medical bankruptcies threatening the financial security of Hoosiers? Will you find a way for the 42.3% of Hoosiers aged 19-64 living in poverty to afford basic health insurance? Will you push to ensure that people like an Anderson resident paralyzed from the waist down after being hit by an uninsured motorist will not worry about job loss also meaning loss of health coverage? Or a gap in employment meaning his "pre-existing condition" becomes reason to lose health coverage forever? If you think businesses will suffer under healthcare reform, how much more will they suffer if we do nothing? Annual premium increases of 35% or more? Sick employees who allow basic illnesses to escalate causing missed work and lost productivity? I respect your fiscally conservative values and your opinion of the current legislation, but I also believe no bill will be ever be perfect. And that doing nothing is unacceptable. We cannot deny the current healthcare situation is abysmal. The status quo is not sustainable, nor is it conscionable for a nation as great and wealthy as America. Each day I hear how much money is being spent---on both sides---at campaigning and lobbying for or against healthcare and I wonder how many lives could have been saved or improved if those funds had been spent on helping people instead of advancing partisan ideals. Pass this current healthcare bill in good faith to begin the process of reform. Demand accountability and constantly innovate. Work hard at continuing to improve it. You think we can't afford this bill, but the reality is that we cannot afford to do nothing. Start somewhere.

Christian Kline - March 20, 2010

Please continue to fight against the Health Bill. Thank you.

Lori Christiansen - March 20, 2010

Thank you for standing up for your district and your people who do not want this health care bill to pass. My husband and I are small business owners and appreciate your no vote. God bless you.

Debbie Ledbetter - March 20, 2010

I do not want this health care bill to pass because it is essentially another way to control us. It is bad enough that many people already have jobs that pay at or below minimum wage, and many more are without jobs. I don't want my Grandchildren and their children to have to pay for the rest of their lives for a huge mistake that was forced onto Americans. Congress must take a stand and stop and listen to the people who voted them into office without us they would not be a part of congress.

frieda plake - March 21, 2010

please trash any and all funding of abortion in the perposed health care reform

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