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Burton Takes Issue with Propsed Health Care Plan

Posted by John Donnelly on August 29, 2009

Nancy Bender reports Congressman Burton's stance on government run health care in the Tribune Staff Writer.

There’s no doubt the current United States health care system needs to be improved, but a government-controlled health plan is not the answer, said U.S. Representative Dan Burton during Thursday afternoon’s Town Hall meeting in the Peru High School auditorium.

The Fifth-District representative addressed about 400 area residents during the session, stating the health plan bill proposed by Democrats would result in bureaucrats controlling the health care for individuals. Burton said a proposed health plan bill he is cosponsoring would enhance consumer protections and force insurance companies to compete for each individual’s business.

During the 90-minute session, Burton discussed the differences between the Democrats’ proposed plan n H.R. 3200 n and the bill he’s cosponsoring n H.R. 3400, titled the “Empowering Patients First Act.”

For more details, see the Saturday, Aug. 29, 2009, edition of the Peru Tribune.

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