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Burton speaks to residents

Posted by John Donnelly on September 13, 2010

Burton speaks to residents

Congressman discusses election at town meeting
By Mishele Wright, Marion Chronicle-Tribune
Published: Sunday, September 12, 2010 1:08 AM EDT

Congressman Dan Burton discussed the importance of the upcoming congressional election, as well as the 2012 presidential election, during a town hall meeting Saturday at the Grant County Family YMCA.

About 20 concerned citizens were present at the meeting to listen to Burton’s opinions about the national debt, health care reform, the Cap and Trade bill and other issues concerning the federal government.

Burton criticized the current administration, saying the national debt has increased by 50 percent and 2.6 million people have lost their jobs in the last two years. He proposed several changes, including balancing the federal budget, cutting government spending, reducing the size of the federal government, repealing the health care bill and replacing it and ending bailouts permanently.

“We shouldn’t pay companies with your tax money,” he told the citizens.

Some people in attendance asked Burton how he plans to execute his beliefs. Fairmount resident David Milliner asked Burton if he would be in favor of Congress shutting the government down to create a balanced budget.

The congressman said officials attempted to do that during Bill Clinton’s administration, but were unsuccessful.

“It wouldn’t work,” he said. “We tried it.”

Milliner said citizens put their lives on the line everyday, and politicians should, too.

“We need leaders to put their careers on the line to do what’s right,” Milliner said.

Burton agreed to bring the idea up to other leaders in Congress.

After the meeting, Milliner said he came to listen to what Burton had to say.

“It’s our duty to find out what’s going on,” he said.

Various issues brought residents to the meeting.

Veteran State Representative Jim Sellers Jr. attended the meeting with other representatives to talk to Burton about their concerns with the VA Medical Center and current issues involving veterans.

Marion resident Xen Stewart said he attended the meeting to ask Burton if the post office in south Marion would be closing.

“We’ve heard so many rumors,” Stewart said. “We don’t know if it’s going to close, but I wanted to know if he knew anything specific.”

Stewart, a former letter carrier, said he uses the post office, located at 3333 S. Felton Ave., everyday, and he doesn’t want it to close.

Burton told Stewart he would look into the issue for him.

“I’m glad he took an interest in it,” Stewart said after the meeting. “I came to specifically ask about it.”

After he was finished speaking and answering questions, Burton encouraged audience members to tell their friends and neighbors how important the November election and the 2012 election are.

“It’s just a radical movement to the left and toward socialism, and we’ve got to put a stop to it,” he said about the current administration.

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